Example sentences of "[v-ing] a [noun] [conj] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 It is possible for a company or group to acquire further ACT capacity by purchasing a company that has it .
2 Just look at that ( stabbing a piece and holding it up in mid-air ) .
3 Season to taste with salt and white pepper , then cover the sauce with greaseproof paper to prevent it from forming a skin and allow it to cool completely .
4 This involved designing a questionnaire and applying it to quantitative observations of a sample of companies in the same type of industry in each country .
5 Just as at Northampton he questioned the merit of the Southern League after shaping a team that mastered it , so after his later Championship triumphs at Huddersfield and Arsenal , he was to question the league system that was the framework of those triumphs .
6 He feinted left , drawing a punch and slipping it , then played the bluff and went in fast , going left again .
7 that you would be allowed to do notes drawing a note and use it .
8 At night , a person may not be able to get out of bed in time , or they will dislike using a bedpan or find it difficult and messy .
9 I mean , that 's just a , a brief using a frame and re-cutting it .
10 Extracting water from deeper aquifers involves drilling a well and lining it with slotted steel or PVC pipes surrounded by a packing of pea-sized gravel .
11 He recalled once buying a foal and taking it home on the bus !
12 It just means buying a telephone and plugging it in .
13 ‘ If they keep their bikes in garages , they should consider removing a wheel and putting it in the house .
14 As casualties occur you can remove any of the models fighting and replace them with any models from a rearward rank — so you can change the ratio of nets to clubs by , say removing a club and replacing it with a net .
15 ‘ You 'll be faced with enormous problems but it 's a matter of having a dream and following it through . ’
16 The New Hall collection , though primarily painted works made for hanging , extends these preoccupations : Laura Godfrey-Isaacs 's ‘ Fleshy Face ’ meditates on the feminine-coded colour pink with mordant hyperbole ; Judith Cowan 's ‘ Skin and Blister ’ ( rhyming slang for ‘ sister ’ ) transforms a common saucepan into an authoritative sculptural form ; Maggi Hambling takes a shocking newspaper image of a Gulf woman in a chador wielding a bazooka and suffuses it again with blooming pink , the garish , violated hue of feminine cosiness .
17 On one of their visits , there was an uncanny , if hilarious , echo of the kind of political and religious turmoil experienced by Olive 's family in years gone by One day they were boarding a boat and noticed it contained a large number of sticks , shaped like rifles .
18 Decisions are usually reached by consensus , rather than by a senior manager taking a decision and selling it or imposing it on his subordinates .
19 After fornication with a woman then the one who would join would show his love of the Unholy by taking a child and killing it .
20 I think the idea of taking a fox and having it ripped apart legitimized by our society is a bad message to pass onto our children !
21 Just slipping and dropping a wing while loading it into the trailer will cause hundreds of pounds ' worth of damage , and although most gliders are insured , every accident eventually results in higher premiums and higher costs for gliding enthusiasts .
22 ‘ If I can give a player an extra metre it 's the difference between winning a ball and losing it . ’
23 ‘ Nice one , Greg ! ’ chortles the yellow shirt , folding a bra and putting it back in the drawer .
24 Still he knelt in front of her , and Maria sat forward , lifting a hand and laying it open-palmed against the side of his face for a moment before tracing the angle of his cheek with gentle fingers .
25 When Jesus is arrested in Gethsemane , at least one of his followers is actually carrying a sword and uses it to lop off the ear of an attendant of the High Priest ; in the Fourth Gospel , the man with the sword is specifically identified as Simon Peter .
26 ‘ Comin' up , ’ Jenkins replied , uncapping a Budweiser and placing it on the counter in front of Laidlaw .
27 Hooking a fish and letting it suffocate in a creel is seemingly acceptable to all fishermen and many other people .
28 Setting a strategy and putting it into action are challenges that can overwhelm even the most effective managers .
29 I remember Billy Graham saying at Earls Court back in 1966 that the Christian Church in England should organise itself like the Communist Party : by forming active and multiplying cells , fixing a timetable , planning a strategy and working it through .
30 Although that might be a bit like confronting a tiger and hoping it would n't bite .
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