Example sentences of "[v-ing] a [noun] [prep] [noun pl] and " in BNC.

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1 Task-based listening units feature short dialogues between receptionists and guests and give practice in understanding a variety of accents and with authentic reading texts ( telexes , letters , notices ) .
2 Yes , I wanted to emphasise the way some men feel constrain before , not because I want to suggest it 's now becoming a problem for men and we should be worrying about them , but because you asked what prospects there were for doing something about it and I think if something 's to be done about it , and it 's a problem of everyone devising new standards of behaviour , it 's very important that quite large numbers of men should be prepared to play a part in trying to work out what these standards should be , and there is quite substantial interest in trying to do that , both at the level of the teaching staff at the university and at the level of the undergraduates .
3 The first three years of his Oxford course of studies would have included grammar , logic and rhetoric ( the trivium ) , after which the student had to attend formal sessions of dispute and argument before becoming a Bachelor of Arts and going on to the second part of the course , music , astronomy , geometry and arithmetic .
4 Open decision-making should prevent LMS from driving a wedge between governors and staff or between the headteacher and other members of staff .
5 But Anne Silver from Liphook revealed all during her demonstration which involved six floral designs , each incorporating a wealth of twists and turns .
6 In addition to its function as a crucial teaching and learning method , talk is now widely recognised as promoting and embodying a range of skills and competence — both transactional and social — that are central to children 's overall language development .
7 Many solicitors still obtain business through ‘ networking ’ , that is , establishing a network of friends and business contacts likely to refer business to the solicitor .
8 Groups resulting from a parent manufacturer establishing a pyramid of subcontractors and component suppliers .
9 The king initially , and later other high-status landowners such as the bishops and major abbots , controlled the movement of goods between and within their estates , developing a number of markets and fairs .
10 But they do enjoy provoking a reaction from adults and being the centre of attention .
11 Pain relief is important in myocardial infarction , but let that not be an excuse for filling a patient with opiates and then forgetting about him for the next 2 hours as he quietly rots his myocardium in some corner of the accident and emergency department .
12 Indeed , the entrepreneurial flair and ingenuity of players in the industry are ensuring the appearance of a constantly changing variety of hybrid systems delivering information services addressing a range of needs and circumstances .
13 I think my one of my favourite passages in Adam Bede might be the description near the beginning of the novel of the methodist preacher , Diner , addressing a meeting of villagers and instead of giving you the entire speech , word for word , George Eliot gives you a little bit of what she said and then describes the manner in which she said it , and the manner in which it was actually received .
14 A SUSPECTED IRA bomb exploded without warning in the heart of London 's West End yesterday , damaging a block of flats and empty offices but causing no casualties and little disruption .
15 The sandy beach of Magalluf boasting a variety of watersports and bars galore is only 600 metres away .
16 Deya is a tiny little village , boasting a handful of bars and restaurants , a pretty church ( housing one of only two examples of Christ on a crucifix wearing a skirt ) , an art gallery and a tiny museum .
17 It was thought that the position of these encourages motorists to cut the corner when coming over the bridge thus causing a hazard to vehicles and pedestrians coming the other way .
18 This placed an increasing pressure on the exchange rate causing a loss of reserves and the exhaustion of the American loan which burst into a massive drain once convertibility came into operation in July .
19 Serious flooding occurred in mid-August in Kompong Speu , Takeo , Kampot and Kandal provinces , causing a number of deaths and serious damage to the rice crop .
20 I was a little out of control on the American tour , meeting a lot of girls and stuff .
21 Right Colin Francome enlivened the Millbank stand by donning a pair of stilts and doing a spot of juggling to promote his book Juggling for All
22 This back-crossed son of Old Bec was fertile , fathering a number of colts and fillies , and he also served as a popular saddle horse .
23 Following his massive success with Johnny Rogan — The Severed Head , Morrissey intends to write his own tome comprising a load of pictures and the great one 's own captions .
24 Comprising a fleet of canoes and a display stand , it can be used to promote canoeing throughout Wales .
25 He came into his own here , so to speak , in the second half in directing a succession of polkas and waltzes by Johann the younger .
26 According to Berkeley , the usual combination of materialism and immaterialism leads to scepticism because of its ‘ supposing a difference between things and ideas ’ .
27 To this end I compiling a list of Smallholders and retired farmers countrywide with a view to forming a register detailing accommodation , stock levels , facilities etc .
28 Publishers were not slow to realize the potential of the new market , releasing a spate of books and magazines which were the successors to the elitist Victorian guide book and the predecessors of the glossy coffee-table number for contemporary leisure motorists .
29 They renovated the house , removing the Georgian stucco and revealing the Elizabethan stonework , and set about tackling the garden , growing a lot of potatoes and taking ‘ millions and millions ’ of box cuttings to repair and extend the hedging , probably planted by a previous tenant , Lady Strickland , at the turn of the century .
30 The experience of Aberdeen ‘ locals ’ throughout the period of oil development is examined by re-interviewing a sample of parents and children originally surveyed in 1964 .
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