Example sentences of "[v-ing] as [det] [noun] as [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 In fact you never really train a war boar , you just learn to hang on better while the creature goes crazy , goring and stamping , twisting and biting , and generally causing as much damage as it can .
2 The study shows Japanese firms investing more in R&D than their American counterparts , relying less on government funding and exporting as much technology as they import .
3 ‘ I was n't getting as much attention as I wanted , so I kind of got into Dmitry 's music just to get his attention , and to be around him more ’ — Lady Miss Kier
4 She finally got involved for the oldest reason of all : ‘ I was n't getting as much attention as I wanted , so I kind of got into it just to get his attention , and to be around him more . ’
5 The Hijackers do n't know there 's a C.B. in the truck so I 've managed to feed the mike through to the back and I 'll keep sending as much information as I can .
6 ’ They always went out together with the sole intention of stealing as many clothes as they could , ’ she says .
7 Merv Hughes and McDermott are still bowling as many ribticklers as they dare , but the blatant ‘ throat ball ’ is no longer the monotonous , stultifying stock ball of the exterminators .
8 Er , but in the ordinary course of events er , this afternoon is , is I 'm dedicated to using as many cliches as I possibly can , erm , is , is , you know , that works very well as a way of protecting time for myself .
9 Mrs Murphy snatched the opportunity to ask Mrs Frizzell to proceed with her report , which she did , outlining the story as far as she knew it and using as many euphemisms as she could .
10 And then , of course , there is Steve Bone blowing as many saxes as he can fit in his mouth at the same time .
11 Just aim at giving as much variety as you can manage and sooner or later she 'll want to try other foods again .
12 Because of his working hours he is not giving as much time as he ought perhaps to his family , although he 's always tried to ensure that weekends are devoted to his children .
13 Spending as much time as he could with Midge , Patrick found her extraordinarily rational .
14 Also , Tabitha never quite got around to doing as much maintenance as she meant to .
15 In competition a sailor has to perform a three minute routine , performing as many tricks as he can and linking them together with a smooth flowing act .
16 Yes , I 'm sure what you say is true and , knowing as many people as we are privileged and glad to know , I agree with you that there is a wide spectrum , but it 's always the case that the vociferous ones are the ones that set the tone , and often in wrong light .
17 Cautiously , Athelstan joined the fray — not as expertly as Sir John , but the long ash pole came into play , creating as much confusion as it did hum .
18 But she did keep abreast of fashion eddies , for example by subscribing to the fashion trends and information service , Infovogue , and by reading as many magazines as she could discover .
19 A muzzle is used to prevent your ferret killing a rabbit as it progresses through the various holes within the warren system bolting as many rabbits as it can .
20 They paid the headman of the village five hundred rupees and all of us had to streak through the forest making as much noise as we possibly could to round up the game .
21 Arising out of her description , we set about grouping modal verb forms according to their meaning , making as much use as we could of both negative and positive forms .
22 QUOTE : AS ESSEX 'S fielders lumbered around gifting as many runs as they could , Ilott was seen sprinting around the boundary as if disgusted by the whole charade .
23 However , after studying as many photographs as I could find of Randy 's original , it would appear that this was the way he wanted things and I would n't dare criticise him for it .
24 Pupils were invited to join the poll , casting as many votes as they wished simply by writing down a teacher 's name again and again .
25 On hearing this dramatic piece of news , Theo wrote at once , promising as much support as he could afford until Vincent was in a position to earn his own money .
26 For just as the latter are then not receiving as much employment as they would normally like at the prevailing real wage rate , so the former are not providing as much as they would normally like .
27 Apparently we 're not killing as many cows as we used to .
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