Example sentences of "[v-ing] part of the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Largely because of the tax gains , but also the increased freedom it gives to the pensioner , many pension schemes have provision for allowing part of the value of the pension to be capitalized on retirement .
2 There was an idea of using part of the forest for a an area for blues .
3 It was surely going to be a doddle , taking up the slabs , using part of the profile of the old pond to define the layout of the new , then some easy digging , smoothing , measuring and down to the aquatic shop for a liner .
4 Almost certainly becoming part of the structure of the Bristol Brass & Copper Company ( 1705 ) the lease was for Tilberthwaite together with all the engines and instruments and " … all of the dressings or huddles of oar … " paying a duty on the ore of 14s. per " Tunn " and for lead 10s. a " Tunn " .
5 He was becoming part of the machinery of the piece .
6 They occur naturally , forming part of the membranes of cells .
7 This example contains the added complication of a piece of imagined quoted speech embedded in the reported thought , and forming part of the questions in Carrie 's mind .
8 workcards , data sheets and other materials forming part of the scheme of work .
9 ( 2 ) A person can not steal land , or things forming part of land and severed from it by him or by his directions , except in the following cases , that is to say — ( a ) when he is a trustee or personal representative , or is authorised by power of attorney , or as liquidator of a company , or otherwise , to sell or dispose of land belonging to another , and he appropriates the land or anything forming part of it by dealing with it in breach of the confidence reposed in him ; or ( b ) when he is not in possession of the land and appropriates anything forming part of the land by severing it or causing it to be severed , or after it has been severed ; or ( c ) when , being in possession of the land under a tenancy , he appropriates the whole or part of any fixture or structure let to be used with the land .
10 ( b ) when he is not in possession of the land and appropriates anything forming part of the land by severing it or causing it to be severed , or after it has been severed ; or
11 Ltd. , from the decision of Millett J. on 16 January 1991 upholding the validity of a common law notice to quit given to the plaintiffs in respect of land forming part of the site of 263–265 , Walworth Road , Southwark , London S.E. 17 by the second to fourth defendants ' predecessors in title , the first defendants , the London Residuary Body .
12 Five classes of advertisement are excepted from all control : those on enclosed land , within a building , on or in a vehicle or vessel , displayed on a balloon , incorporated in and forming part of the fabric of a building ( for example , incised stonework lettering ) , and displayed on an article for sale .
13 Pausing to listen for any sounds of activity before making her dash across to the cover of the fosse , she found herself automatically reciting part of the Litany to the Blessed Virgin : " Mother most pure , Mother undefiled , Mother most admirable , Mother of good counsel , Mother of our creator , Mother of our Saviour , Virgin most prudent , Virgin most venerable … mystical rose , Tower of David , House of Gold , Ark of the Covenant … "
14 The enormous park was a source of delight to most visitors — though not all — for sometimes the Empress , an indefatigable walker , would set off with a group of people to tramp through the grounds , occasionally going part of the way in a carriage .
15 LASMO is sponsoring the team by paying part of the cost of court fees , referees [ for league matches ] and kit .
16 Luckily Emma and Sophie were spending part of the afternoon with one of their friends , who lived in an apartment two floors down .
17 After spending part of the summer at Baden with Constanze , Mozart decided to go on speculation to Frankfurt am Main , where Leopold II was to be crowned Holy Roman Emperor on 9 October .
18 When running on the track , I advise doing part of the session in flats , part in spokes .
19 For most chairmen , however , Citrine 's view that they should move only slowly in this direction , doing little more than break even ( but conceding part of the case for higher depreciation ) , seemed quite consistent with the philosophy of nationalisation .
20 It was never quite so successful an undertaking as the Bois de Boulogne , because the army insisted on retaining part of the area as a training ground and artillery range , but it had lakes , waterfalls , grottoes and cafés in the same way as its more chic counterpart .
21 Eliot describes how working men who went to the music hall to see Marie Lloyd and who joined in the chorus were performing part of the business of acting , collaborating with the artist in a manner essential in all art , most obviously ( for Eliot ) in dramatic art .
22 Marker poles can be used to check the depth of silting , and by excavating parts of the ditch at intervals , the rate of silting can be assessed .
23 These tracks can be used either in connection with self-guided library tours or for linking parts of the library with similar functions but physically separated from each other .
24 In accordance with the terms of the contract , you can choose to retire at any time after the age of 60 , when the policy will buy you a regular pension plus the option of taking part of the money as a tax-tree lump sum .
25 The monopoly over the initiation of proceedings has proved to be most contentious in relation to claims assessors who deal with accident claims on a contingency basis taking part of the compensation as remuneration .
26 Concretely , Erades 's and Wood 's characterization of the bare infinitive structure as evoking the helper as taking part of the work upon himself is too restrictive .
27 The cheque for £1,200 will be put towards the cost of converting part of the centre into the special laundry which will teach washing and ironing skills as part of Acorn 's independent living skills programme .
28 Three of the Royal Academy Schools ' 1992 postgraduates will be showing at the Crane Gallery , Sloane Street , and donating part of the proceeds of any sales to their former institution .
29 The scheme , part of a package aimed at cutting the council 's expenditure on the complex , will involve converting parts of the building into bedrooms and other leisure facilities , such as an indoor bowling centre and swimming-pool .
30 These source rocks are the peridotites , and since geophysics tells us that the mantle consists of the same kind of material all over the world , it 's clear that melting part of the mantle beneath Hawaii should produce the same kind of rocks as those produced by melting part of the mantle beneath Iceland .
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