Example sentences of "[v-ing] down [coord] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It depicts an outline map of Anglesey with airship SZ.234 superimposed , its trail rope hanging down and pointing to the location near Llangefni which is now part of RAF Mona .
2 There was a car waiting , but because of the fog they abandoned the idea of driving down and went to the railway station , caught a train with minutes to spare , picked up the car that was waiting for them the other end , rang the studio from the car phone to let them know where they were , and ran into London Weekend Television .
3 Secure in the knowledge that his mother would be fully occupied for the rest of the evening and the butler would be busy introducing the guests , Patrick pulled off his dressing down and slipped down the back stairs to the kitchen .
4 If the supply of vitamins and mineral in the diet is inadequate , this will result in changes in body chemistry , and a slowing down or altering of the body 's metabolism , usually with some deterioration in body fitness or health .
5 And the crunch comes next month when the company has to face the possibility of closing down or selling off the whole business — although this will be a last resort and an acquisition or joint venture may be more likely .
6 There are two ways to ensure this : one is to make sure that there is plenty of moisture-retentive organic bulk under each plant at planting time , and the second is a steady carrying down and mixing into the soil by worm action from a blanket cover on the soil surface , a cover that also drastically reduces evaporation .
7 Kath left them at the lift , and as the doors closed she caught a glimpse of him crouching down and talking to the little lad , his warm brown eyes kindly and concerned .
8 The kids from the houses up there- ’ she waved her arm in the direction of home — ‘ will come and play on the grass-the old people from the council place will come pottering down and sit on the benches by the flowerbeds .
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