Example sentences of "[v-ing] out [prep] [noun] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I was really glad to be going out with Mary instead of Mum ; I do n't think Mary had ever asked if she could take me with her before .
2 Females often produce it as a contact call for their cubs , particularly when they start going out on rambles together for the first time .
3 Soon the calls were going out to groups all over the country .
4 Blacks are pouring out of flats all over Deptford .
5 whilst the group who have made the move from the hospital to the community are not typical of the hospital population — they are generally not as dependent as the average person in hospital — they are certainly much more typical than those people who are moving out of hospital elsewhere in England and to some extent in Scotland .
6 Get into the habit first of feeling the sheer thrill and exhilaration of getting out of doors away from telephones , noise , and distractions .
7 But , as she stretched out a hand to stroke the mare , Maldita moved even closer to Luke , flattening her ears and lashing out at Perdita protectively with a hind leg .
8 Coming out of Rosebury straight into his side of car !
9 For imagine a person crying out with pain alone in the desert : is he using a language ?
10 This might be a way forward for coal power , which is currently losing out to gas both on the pollution and cost fronts .
11 This is more expensive to buy , but the torch part is lighter to handle than a blowlamp and you do n't have to worry so much about running out of gas halfway through a job .
12 They are travelling out of necessity not for pleasure , therefore , the hotel must be a home from home , and they will most likely eat and drink in the hotel .
13 You want me to go jumping out of Dorniers again at five thousand feet in the dark like last time over Ireland and you try to hand me that kind of bollocks . ’
14 In the newly emerging cities this meadow was symbolized in the Broletto , even after the communes had taken all powers in the making of laws and handing out of justice away from the church .
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