Example sentences of "[v-ing] as [art] [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is often helpful to create several small files ( 5-10 entries maximum ) with varying layouts and indexing as an aid to discussion at the design stage .
2 He also put more emphasis on public worship , prayers , and the sacraments than most of his contemporaries , and played down the role of preaching as a means of edification ; for these reasons , Hooker has been seen by some ecclesiastical historians such as Peter Lake as ‘ close to the ideological origins of Arminianism ’ .
3 The Secretary of State er told me er that the has been no occasion where criticism from a companies auditors by my department 's inspectors in reports published since June nineteen seventy nine has led to an audit partner being excluded from membership of a professional accountancy body , er and no auditor criticised in D T I inspector 's reports has been debarred from auditing as a result of information er in that report .
4 Called the Franchise Company it claims to offer help and advice on all aspects of franchising to any firm looking at franchising as a means of expansion .
5 Camp thereby negotiates some of the lived contradictions of subordination , simultaneously refashioning as a weapon of attack an oppressive identity inherited as subordination , and hollowing out dominant formations responsible for that identity in the first instance .
6 If terrestrial zodiacs ore the product of our own imagination , we can either dismiss them as pure delusion , or work positively with the same idea , seeing their description and charting as a work of art in its own right .
7 Whipping as a part of foreplay is particularly popular in the South , while Northerners and Southerners are more likely to smoke dope than men in the Midlands .
8 BAGI RACK Apologizing as a form of attack ; a stick resembling a gun
9 There 's also a shot of doomy love interest ( Keaton trying to get fellow addict Katy Baker off ) and dopey oedipal sparring ( Keaton trying to get counsellor M Emmet Walsh on ) , but in the end any attempt at getting a fix on using as a way of life is elbowed puritanically aside .
10 Using as a source of data three texts from different newspapers published on the same day looking at equivalent reca reports in the same news story or editorials , finding one text similar in topic as a basis for comparison .
11 What distinguishes Regency houses perhaps most of all is the elaborate use of ironwork , which architects were just beginning to think of using as a matter of course .
12 It is with Zerlina that Giovanni sings the enchanting duet ‘ La cì darem la mano ’ , which later composers , including Chopin , paid the compliment of using as the basis for variations .
13 The jangling of his friend 's bells and chains , which he had been using as an aid for navigation , had ceased abruptly .
14 The final plank of the strategy is designed to improve the attractiveness of nursing as a career in competition with others .
15 Chapter seventeen concentrates on consumer targeting as a source of market intelligence .
16 Routine policing as a set of tasks is therefore accomplished as a process of routine .
17 The ‘ New Realists ’ see policing as the key to crime control , and accountability as the key to good policing .
18 The remarkable Anderson , in addition to playing rugby and cricket at area and county junior levels , competing as a decathlete for Birchfield and qualifying to coach nine sporting events , gained an impressive tally of educational qualifications culminating in a Master 's degree from the University of Leicester .
19 Although the author pays lip-service to the idea of climbing as a form of meditation and the reward lying in the process rather than the achievement , the main thrust seems to lie in the opposite direction , in the acquisition of things .
20 I know that he feels great distress at what is happening as a result of Government inaction on this matter .
21 There were two sons : John , the elder , became a solicitor 's clerk , dying as a bachelor in Lambeth in 1862 , while his brother Joseph , a house painter settling in Hoxton , assured the continuity of the Titford line by having a number of male children by his wife Elizabeth , née Griffiths .
22 The detective would n't be expecting two of them and , when Dana had been appearing as a model in London , Claudia would have been in Solihull .
23 Ben has been in the home since the beginning of the year when , while appearing as the Sheriff of Nottingham in a panto in Whitchurch , he was taken ill in his digs .
24 These include Permo-Carboniferous quartz dolerites occurring as a swarm of east-west trending dykes in North Barra and South Uist which are cut by slightly later thin monchiquite dykes ; and much later north west-south east trending Tertiary dykes found in a belt across southern Lewis and Harris .
25 Perhaps non-clinical legionellosis follows exposure to small numbers of bacteria alone , the clinical form occurring as a result of exposure either to a large dose of bacteria or to legionellae packaged in amoebae .
26 Mr Fitch a former barman had Korsakoff 's disease , a kind of brain failure occurring as a result of alcoholism .
27 A common approach to understanding the relationship between different components is to regard driving as a hierarchy of processes ( e.g. Aasman , 1988 ; Michon , 1985 ; Rockwell , 1972 ; Summala , 1985 ) .
28 This regards driving as a combination of skills which can be grouped into a three level hierarchy .
29 Adopting as a mark of defiance the name golani ( " tramps " ) , as Iliescu had disparagingly described them , they claimed that the NSF had " stolen " the revolution and had only won the May 20 general election by deceit and intimidation [ see pp. 37441-42 ] .
30 Despite much monstering as a sort of Thatcher Terror man , Eric Pickles is essentially rather decent , and very stuffy about racial prejudice .
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