Example sentences of "[v-ing] with [art] [adj] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Both government and opposition are grappling with the awkward consequences of an upsurge of religious tension inspired by militant Hindu claims to a disused Muslim mosque on a site believed to have been Lord Rama 's birthplace .
2 Of the other contributors , some expressed outrage , some were more optimistic , but I believe that these views of Cornall , Lawton and Hewlett typically reflected professional concerns of curriculum developers and teachers , especially those grappling with the persistent problems of how to implant enlightened ideas into a traditional subject-based curriculum .
3 It is astonishing that health ministersn now grappling with the financial disasters of the NHS internal market further down the line , should be so complacent in the early stages of their much-vaunted mixed economy of care .
4 WHO said ‘ For too long this country … has been ready to settle for borrowing money abroad to maintain our standard of life , instead of grappling with the fundamental problems of British industry .
5 The essential differences remain the same as last year : whaling nations such as Japan , Norway and Iceland [ which withdrew from the IWC at the start of the meeting — see ED 59/60 ] accuse those opposed to whaling on largely ethical grounds , including the UK and US , of : i ) misinterpreting the charter of the IWC , which was set up to regulate and sustain whale hunting , not to decide on the morality of whaling as such ; and ii ) interfering with the economic livelihoods of whaling communities .
6 As for President elect Clinton 's oblique references to the asylum laws , one can only assume his administration will have no intention of interfering with the due processes of law in the US .
7 But this caused Aboyeur to veer away from the rails and collide with Craganour , carrying him out towards the centre of the course and interfering with the finishing runs of Nimbus — who had been far enough back at Tattenham Corner for his jockey to have seen the suffragette incident — and Great Sport , both coming up the stands side .
8 The way to the marvellous boy led through the flat , lush green pasturelands of western France , peopled with huge milk-white cows , and alternating with the serried rows of vines .
9 The majority of the Parish Council object to this development because it is out of keeping with the surrounding properties in size , design and proposed building materials .
10 Joseph divided his time between fighting and councilling with the other headmen in a concealed ‘ smoking lodge ’ .
11 In four weeks ' time the regiment moves from peacekeeping with the United Nations to peacekeeping by deterrent in West Germany .
12 This summer he will be holidaying with the same friends with whom he shared his Holiday in Hell ( page 50 ) , although their destination this time is in the South of France .
13 He looked round him , upon the desolation of the field between Bryn Glas and the river , littered and faintly heaving still with bodies and cast arms , and groaning with the last convulsions of struggle and pain .
14 South-East Gully can be entered from a lower point , so dispensing with a few feet of scrambling above the climbs .
15 But Malcolm Morley , although born in England , is an American painter , and in many respects Hockney became one in the 1960s though he 's now living with the French masters in a Côte d'Azur of his own imagining .
16 He had accomplished nothing and he may well have meditated on the difference between his situation and that of his uncle at the Erfurt meeting with the German Princes in 1808 .
17 Only a few months after vesting day , they were still wrestling with the enormous problems of reorganisation and the standardisation of the many different electricity tariffs they had inherited : this additional burden seemed to them too much .
18 The room was crowded , the hub of conversation mingling with the soft strains of music that issued from overhead speakers .
19 People going with a few items from their attic .
20 The Mozarts ' second visit to Vienna began in September 1767 , coinciding with the planned festivities for the marriage of the Archduchess Maria Josepha to King Ferdinand of Naples .
21 The great spate of English translations of Paracelsus also belonged to the 1650s , confirming that the peak of his influence in England connected with what is arguably the unsurpassed golden age of British science and medicine , coinciding with the formative years of such figures as Boyle , Sydenham , and Willis , all of whom were affected by paracelsian influences .
22 The two of them had been virtually inseparable — periods of separation coinciding with the respective presences of boy-friends ; even though Sheila had left university abruptly in her second year , hating the academic competitiveness .
23 After he left the sisters , Corbett went out to the stable yard where Ranulf and Maltote were waiting with the two retainers from the porter 's lodge .
24 Here a few fragments of painted stucco still remained and on these were painted a tangle of trailing flowers : roses , tulips and irises , some cut , some growing from the ground , others emerging from cornucopias — ancient symbols of fertility and plenty , merging and tangling with the real creepers of the jungle .
25 On Friday night Alan had met his project deadline , and spent the evening in the pub , celebrating with a few others from his course .
26 So there I am , during this rather romantic conversation , toying with the little hairs in it 's ears , not knowing whether I should try and get in through the snout or what — but it had a happy ending .
27 There were fish lying damply in old wooden crates , their scales gleaming with the sickly colours of an oil stain , then rows of chickens with their throats cut , feathers clinging to the legs , and the sawdust was stained with blood and flies , and she began to run , frantic to reach the air outside and breathe .
28 Alwyn 's new series Alwyn Crawshaw Paints Oils ( £39.99 for the set of three videos from Teaching Art Ltd ) is splendid for those struggling with the particular problems of oil paint and Jonathan Stephenson 's An Introduction to Oil Painting ( Seeba Films ) has plenty of practical advice as well as three short demonstrations .
29 Morrissey was simply experimenting with the many facets of media attention .
30 This channel might be solid state but the crunch sounds quite natural , and experimenting with the various options on both channels I ca n't imagine many players not being able to come up with a sound which meets their particular requirements .
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