Example sentences of "[v-ing] it and [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Founders were to be the guardians of the purity of the paper , protecting it and keeping it in touch with the grass roots which they represented .
2 The connotations of this in the creation of manhood were made clear by Baden Powell , founder of the Scout movement , who observed that masturbation checks the semen from getting its full chance of making the strong , manly man : ‘ You are throwing away the seed that has been handed down to you as a trust instead of keeping it and ripening it for bringing a son to you later on . ’
3 But he had written all over this one — the handwriting was unmistakable — before tearing it and throwing it on the floor .
4 However , jailing Shields for three months , Sheriff William Fulton told him : ‘ It is not so much a case of stealing from this house as plundering it , ransacking it and leaving it in an awful mess .
5 the gathering up of all this scattered craft knowledge , systematising it and concentrating it in the hands of the employer and then doling it out again only in the form of minute instructions , giving to each worker only the knowledge needed for the performance of a particular relatively minute task .
6 It involves sucking the contaminated oil into a cleaning system housed in a mobile trailer , cleaning it and returning it to the transformer .
7 ‘ We were raided on Monday by customs with the specific intention of confiscating it and sticking it in a zoo somewhere , ’ he said .
8 The Profitboss devotes time and effort to this , taking his team away periodically to discuss their vision of excellence , clarifying it , refining it and defining it in terms of the best standards , the best contribution , the best performance .
9 ‘ You 're sending it and keeping it at the same time ? ’
10 You realise how subtle it is when you watch a beaver painstakingly placing a pole on its dam , being visibly dissatisfied with its position , removing it and tugging it into another , until it is at last convinced that it has been effectively deployed .
11 Signora Silvana Ciammarughi , the owner and creator of this unique establishment , nursed for a long time the dream of acquiring some old house of character , converting it and running it as a hotel .
12 The backing sheet is then removed from the film before wetting it and applying it to the window .
13 Harper spend f226 on repairing it and sold it to a finance company .
14 He lay there , listening to the noises in the street , quite tranquilly ; not caring much how the time went , but watching it and watching everything about him with observing eyes ( 2 ) .
15 But that is another way of saying the ring can not be seen , measured , touched or heard by picking up the bell and sniffing it , weighing it and subjecting it to chemical analysis .
16 In 1991 the Norseman was purchased by the Township of Red Lake with the aim of restoring it and mounting it on ‘ the pole ’ .
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