Example sentences of "[v-ing] it [conj] [v-ing] [prep] it " in BNC.

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1 This was never a very promising argument , seeing that the notice is addressed to the defendants and not to the plaintiffs , and the defendants themselves have made it clear that they have no difficulty in understanding it and complying with it .
2 He had booked a beach house in Phuket , the island paradise on the coast of Thailand , for their honeymoon , and Rachel was both dreading it and clamouring for it .
3 He smiles a lot , talks to himself and uses a tennis court like an officer patrolling it , owning it and thumping around it as if he has n't a care in the world .
4 It might be suggested that it is only through the presence of the frame that we recognize the work of art for what it is , perceiving it and responding to it in the appropriate way .
5 ‘ So far as I know , ’ Miss Honey went on , ‘ nobody else in the history of the world has been able to compel an object to move without touching it or blowing on it or using any outside help at all . ’
6 I mean , we just , we just do n't have to keep changing it and talking about it .
7 Watching it or listening to it on the
8 Diluting it and mixing in it into slurry lagoons or spreading it at a low rate on grassland was a method used in the past , but even that may not be possible now .
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