Example sentences of "[v-ing] to the [noun sg] [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 The Thyssen Collection is opening to the public in Madrid this month .
2 He achieved notable if modest successes by contributing to the discovery of Patulin , which achieved a transient reputation for curing the common cold , and Griseofulvin , which was developed commercially and is used for the treatment of fungal infections of the skin .
3 Murrie prepared for Brook 's return an assessment of the factors contributing to the overloading of Mr Attlee 's engine room .
4 Failure to support French policy in Indo-China would have the effect of contributing to the defeat of US aims in Europe and , applying the practical test of probability of success , ‘ the US would be backing a determined protagonist in this venture …
5 A fascinating collection of architectural fittings and other objects relating to the history of London 's architecture will be on permanent display for the first time in its ninety-year history from April .
6 The Government abstained on a different aspect relating to the treaty of Rome basis .
7 The language used to describe this is reminiscent of Harrison , as well as clearly relating to the technique of Charlie Mears , Tiresias , and the dromenon- like patterning with which Eliot had been experimenting in the quatrain poems .
8 Sligos SA , France 's second largest software and services company , has put all its activities relating to the manufacture of Smart Cards into its Solaic subsidiary .
9 Neither he nor anyone else in Coopers & Lybrand is now advising the Government on matters relating to the privatisation of TCS . ’
10 Writing in the eighth century the Lombard historian Paul the Deacon provides some additional information relating to the involvement of Childebert in the elevation of Tassilo as " king " of the Bavarians , confirming his influence outside Francia itself .
11 The purchaser will use its reasonable endeavours to obtain the release of any personal guarantees made by the Directors in respect of ABC and its subsidiary companies ' existing obligations relating to the business of ABC and subsidiaries ( which after investigating such guarantees and terms of release it agrees to obtain the release of ) and pending such release will indemnify the Directors against any claims under such guarantees .
12 The foreign business carve-out and the specific marketing and related record-keeping rules relating to the business of non-UK offices of non-UK firms with UK customers ( see page 40 above ) apply to non-UK offices of UK firms in exactly the same way .
13 On 10 April 1985 , Stephen John Price pleaded guilty in Sweden to aggravated drug offences relating to the distribution in Sweden of a substantial quantity ( believed to be about 140 kilogrammes ) of cannabis imported from abroad , and was sentenced to imprisonment for seven years .
14 ( Note : The Society is in possession of a photo-copied book of reference dated Nov 1864 , relating to the parish of Churchstoke regarding the last two bills . )
15 On June 6 President Traore of Mali made a brief visit to Nouakchott and held talks with Taya on issues relating to the dispute with Senegal .
16 The group 's tax charge for the year was £23.7m which includes £1.3m ( 1992 £2.0m ) relating to the sale of Johnson Matthey 's shares in Tanaka Matthey KK .
17 The problems with such an approach can be divided broadly into two : those relating to the nature of RB provision per se ; and those relating to the underlying educational perspectives of the liberal tradition itself .
18 Last year 's extraordinary tax credit of £4.8 million relating to the House of Lords judgement in May 1992 on the £50 million payment to Johnson Matthey Bankers Limited in 1984 has been reclassified as exceptional and is included in profit after tax and earnings per share .
19 Separate complementary agreements relating to the use of Ilo by Bolivian companies and the movement of nationals between the two countries were signed by the Bolivian and Peruvian Foreign Ministers .
20 When she finally came downstairs it was to find Carole insisting that , since this was their last night in the Hamptons before returning to the apartment in New York , she 'd arranged for them to have a romantic candle-lit dinner in their cottage .
21 The offer was conditional on the exiles returning to the country by Dec. 31 , 1991 .
22 Turning inland again , we paused at Nadur church before returning to the sea at Hondoq .
23 The great majority were labourers and pilgrims returning to the south of Egypt from Jeddah , Saudi Arabia .
24 But then , instead of returning to the siege of Pons , he led his army in May 1179 to the enterprise which was to establish him once and for all as an acknowledged expert in the vital art of siege warfare : the capture of Taillebourg .
25 Lucy felt a surge of excitement , not only because here was the opportunity to see a kiwi in its natural surroundings , but also because she would be returning to the bush with Silas .
26 He was out of radio contact and faced with the alternatives of returning to the car with Glynn , leaving the body , or sending Glynn alone to telephone .
27 First , there was the British ship Charles Bal , under Captain Watson , on voyage to Hong Kong , which was sailing eastwards through the Straits on 26 August , keeping to the south of Krakatoa , and passing about sixteen kilometres distant .
28 A little later , reverting to the judgment of Dixon J. in Yerkey v. Jones , 63 C.L.R. 649 , Lloyd L.J .
29 Then driving to the house in Donegal in her pea-green Polo Fox ( ‘ I did n't choose the colour , it was a present from my daddy ’ ) she admitted , with amusement , she did not have a real idea what Parr did , and did not care a jot .
30 And yet , in spite of owning arguably the most recognisable profile in the world of fashion , Lagerfeld 's private life is led in self-imposed and deliberate seclusion , with rules of entry as strict as those applying to the court of Louis XIV at Versailles .
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