Example sentences of "[v-ing] to be [adj] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Portuguese , although appearing to be similar to Spanish on paper , is pronounced completely differently , and so despite the fact that we could communicate in French and Spanish , we could not make ourselves understood in Portuguese other than to ask , ‘ Fala ingles ? — do you speak English ? ’
2 And on the other end of the line , the spineless , boneless baby-kissers : all eagerly participating in the charade , briefly pretending to be interested in these individuals , in order to make importuning for votes look like philanthropy and vacant sayings appear new minted .
3 No sooner was he striding across that tedious countryside , pretending to be interested in disused châteaux and drab churches ( three months ! ) than he began to miss me .
4 It is a concentrated , fleeting moment of ambiguity and irony ( irony and ambiguity tending to be intrinsic to transgressive reinscription and alien to humanist transgression ) .
5 I could only resolve the confusion by refusing to be involved with any political activity .
6 ‘ Nobody 's going to be pleased about this .
7 And in fact any response is probably going to be negative to that , because they did such bad read-out when they read the thing that they 're going to want to be pretty snotty , sort of , anything they wrote about that .
8 Alice could see that it was not going to be easy for any of them to admit obligation to Jasper , even though he was being correctly impersonal , sitting somewhat to one side of the scene waiting for their approval , the image of a responsible cadre .
9 ‘ You 're going to be hot in that fur , Therese , ’ she murmured .
10 As the constitutional reforms were to a very great degree imposed on the Japanese , the lead given by US authorities on interpreting the reforms was going to be crucial to post-Occupation Japan .
11 An urban wage , a rural wage , right , we discount those wages over time , right and that area there , shading the area in the blue sort of box , then this it 's erm , it 's going to be rational for this er , migrant , this person to become a migrant .
12 cos , as you say , if if they do have to come to grips with their fellow man , to be at least some of them who are going to be impressed by that .
13 It did n't look as if that particular conversation was going to be necessary in this case .
14 I think it 's going to be nice for this weekend .
15 The weather for the Fox F M area : this evening 's going to be dry with clear spells , temperatures are going to fall quickly at first to around four degrees celsius , thirty nine degrees fahrenheit by midnight , however , the light westerly breezes will pick up to moderate later with temperatures rising , so a frost is n't expected tonight .
16 Unless something happens swiftly , the market is going to be uncertain for some time . ’
17 I had erm I was going to be representative of this committee at a erm safety seminar for three days at the beginning of this week that I was n't able to go to , and Councillor Kurtz has very kindly gone in my place , which is why she is not able to come to this meeting .
18 If you have any surplus seeds such as peas , beans , lupins — all nitrogen fixers — then sow them if the ground is going to be vacant for more than a few weeks .
19 Apparently Swedish cows , secure in the knowledge that they were going to be stunned by true Aryans before they were slaughtered , were happy and friendly towards man ; British cows , who might be bled to death for kosher meat , had no such guarantee and were morose and sullen as a result .
20 It was fun , and I think I actually played some great shit , and if it gets on the radio it 's going to be good for all jazz guys , because there are some pretty hip notes in there … ! ’
21 Oh Marilla , I think life is going to be good for all of us !
22 I mean , is it going to be dangerous in any way ?
23 ‘ We 're going to be close to each other for the next few days , perhaps longer , and I refuse to keep calling you Miss Adams ; Claudia is a charming name . ’
24 ‘ What do you mean by saying we 're going to be close to each other ?
25 ‘ The girl was going to be unconscious in another two seconds , or have to submit .
26 Two people who think they are disagreeing may , in fact , be talking about different things and would n't disagree if they were talking about the same thing , but it 's important to recognise that when the university and colleges talk about what they want to do about sexual harassment , they certainly imagine that a range of different forms of response are going to be appropriate to this range of different forms of behaviour , ranging from on the one hand education , encouraging people to think they have a right to protest and answer back , to giving them access to erm people who may mediate and persuade another person who they 're not making an impact on that their behaviour is unreasonable , to the most extreme disciplinary procedures against someone who 's behaving in a way which is generally thought to be unacceptable and who 's not prepared to desist .
27 Look , do n't hold out too much hope that you 're going to be successful in this .
28 That Daaé girl is going to be sorry for this !
29 ‘ You 're going to be sorry for this , ’ said Rohmer in a quiet , tight voice .
30 ‘ Some day you 're going to be sorry about one of these chances you take .
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