Example sentences of "[v-ing] that she [modal v] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 As the only bridesmaid , she had been following Liz up the aisle of the small country church , nervously clutching her bouquet of trailing greenery and praying that she would n't make the awful mistake of treading on the long train of Liz 's wedding dress .
2 The same circumstances required that Franca should sleep downstairs ; Franca had herself , promptly forestalling embarrassment , simplified the rearrangement by announcing that she would now occupy her boudoir ; and letting Jack and Alison assent silently , and without having to murmur ‘ please ’ or ‘ thank you ’ .
3 DEFIANT Princess Diana asserted her newly won independence yesterday by announcing that she will NOT attend Princess Anne 's wedding tomorrow .
4 He raised his black eyebrows in a look so disbelieving that she could only repeat what she 'd said .
5 Lisa took the proffered card , privately reflecting that she could not imagine this man being traumatised by anything .
6 And when Mrs Stych returned , looking like a fat Christmas fairy and complaining that she could not fix her wings , he was able to pin them onto her dress without rancour and to tell a thoroughly bawdy joke , which made Hank explode with laughter and his wife look outraged .
7 ‘ Not usually , ’ she said through pursed lips , wishing that she could somehow refute his image of her , ‘ and please , spare me another amateur lecture on my psyche .
8 Because she 's saying that she ca n't make herself sick .
9 She 's always nervously brushing the hair out of her eyes and saying that she ca n't come out with Howard because she has to go and see a client .
10 For example , a male prisoner may receive a letter from his wife saying that she wo n't bring their children to see him anymore .
11 Because she only rang up very shortly before the meeting saying that she could n't come .
12 Florence Lees died 24 October 1922 , saying that she could not live without her husband , who had died two months previously .
13 Rob teases her by saying that she 'd rather go round a supermarket than climb a mountain , but there 's ‘ many a true word … ’ and all that .
14 There was one man he used to come every week just to do see if there were any jobs that wanted doing and er he 'd spend , you know , a day there you know doing anything she wants doing that she could n't manage herself
15 In January 1326 Isabella wrote to Bishop Stratford , now back in England , indicating that she would not return until both Despensers had been banished from court .
16 There was no other explanation for Ibn Fayoud 's insisting that she should n't ride Shine On .
17 She had decided to come to Italy knowing that she would n't rest until she had seen the situation for herself .
18 Picture a teenage girl in Morocco for whom premarital loss of virginity is culturally intolerable and who faces the ‘ choice ’ , under male duress , of tolerating anal intercourse , or of submitting to vaginal penetration knowing that she will thereby have to leave home for a life of prostitution ; she may even know that both are related to acquisition of HIV .
19 She merely smiled , admitting nothing , but knowing that she need not bother with denials .
20 As she reached them she glanced back at the hire car , knowing that she could n't leave it there for long .
21 ‘ I 'll take them , ’ she said decisively , not even bothering to haggle over the price , knowing that she could n't have found anything even remotely comparable at home .
22 For example , a social worker felt that clients could speak more openly to him because they knew he could not recognise them in other contexts , and a counsellor reported that her clients would sometimes say that they could speak more openly knowing that she could not see them .
23 Or , on second thoughts , knowing that she could probably hear their conversation , was he sending her the message to disregard any idea that his kisses might have had meaning behind them ?
24 The knowledge of his affair still ate away at her , and it was knowing that she could never speak to him about the affair that hurt most .
25 And it was as if she had glimpsed the celestial city knowing that she could never enter in .
26 She stalwartly refused to take any drugs , once again arguing that she could not hold herself responsible if the baby were born deformed .
27 Yes , I could tell from Aunt Nessy 's breathing that she would not recover consciousness ; nevertheless , before I crept out I did kiss her , just in case some little part of her , still aware , should feel it .
28 No use thinking that she would never see Travis again .
29 began to help , thinking that she might either find some opportune moment for introducing her own problems , or that she might be treated with news of her mother 's latest triumph .
30 So we got a pair of football boots and some books and wedged them on the door , thinking that she 'd naturally see them .
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