Example sentences of "[v-ing] that you have [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 No more scrabbling for notepads or realising that you 've left your diary on your secretary 's desk .
2 Once you come to the end of the page — or some other sensible stopping point — and assuming that you have understood what you have been reading , write on your pad a heading and a list of the key words contained in the piece .
3 Finally , assuming that you have made it to the right starting line in plenty of time , wearing the right kit and your race number , and are facing the correct way when the cannon sounds , there is just one last piece of essential advice : do n't panic !
4 However , assuming that you have timed your hook correctly , the opponent will find no support for his descending weight , so he will be obliged to twist and fall on to his side .
5 ( Of course , I am assuming that you have learned your part , know what you want to say to your audience or have done your revision . )
6 Assuming that you have retrieved your ferrets , reluctant though you may be to give up there is wisdom in recognising that you have reached the stage where the expenditure of more time and effort can not be justified .
7 You could achieve an effect just as good as that of the real thing , and have the pleasure of knowing that you 'd done it all yourself !
8 And it must be a burden , knowing that your family thought you a cheat , knowing that you had hurt them , and would continue to hurt them until you died .
9 You are now able to see the problem from a higher perspective , knowing that you have created it for a reason .
10 Your reward , as carer , is knowing that you have done your best to make the patient comfortable and happy , and to help him through the recovery process from his illness , however long it takes .
11 If your aim each day is to do your best then every day can be a success because you can always go home knowing that you HAVE done your best ( whatever marks you got for it ) .
12 It 's just I 'm thinking that you 've got your bridal magazine which you 're obviously going into and you 're going to your bridal sales .
13 you 're not feeling that you 've got lots of little isolated subjects and lots of little isolated topics and it 's all building up and it 's all a lot it is a lot ,
14 Old people are no fools , and can easily be hurt ; so however many things you have on your mind to be done when you get home , never leave them feeling that you have given them time that you have grudgingly spared .
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