Example sentences of "[v-ing] to [be] [vb pp] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The fourth volume in the Vampire Chronicles , which has the wonderful Lestat yearning to be reborn a mortal in an entirely contemporary tale which is just brilliant .
2 You 're not going to be gone a fortnight , I hope .
3 ‘ Oh ’ , she says , ‘ I 'm not going to be called a granny . ’
4 It 's the only dignified way of telling them that you 're not going to be made a fool of any longer and you 're not going to be dragged down to their level . ’
5 Now they were going to be given a chance to put their money where their mouths were .
6 ‘ But little Ellie Browne is n't going to be given a chance to be a part of it , ’ she murmured with mock sorrow .
7 And read the please six and visions from Viscuss The first one is going to be given a bit more time and then the other five are going to brief .
8 ‘ He said : ‘ You are going to be given a lot of money and your life is safe . ’
9 ‘ He said : ‘ You are going to be given a lot of money and your life is safe . ’
10 Ted Deerhurst was still worrying over whether , assuming there were a swell , he was going to be given a shot .
11 The Plaintiff relies on proprietary estoppel the principle of which , in its broadest form , may be stated as follows ; where one person , A , has acted to his detriment on the faith of a belief , which was known to and encouraged by another person , B , that he either has or is going to be given a right in or over B 's property , B can not insist on his strict legal rights if to do so would be inconsistent with A 's belief .
12 But in my judgment , at all events where the belief is that A is going to be given a right in the future , it is properly to be regarded as giving rise to a species of constructive trust , which is the concept employed by a court of equity to prevent a person from relying on his legal rights where it would be unconscionable for him to do so …
13 Then he put his head on one side and looked at Albert in an expectant way , like a dog waiting to be given a biscuit .
14 In general , our policy should be to proceed with building our state block by block , without waiting to be given a gift of it through negotiations .
15 When we first began to meet and talk in 1963 , he was expecting to be offered a Cabinet post in education if Labour won and he could keep in step for long enough .
16 He wrote to the local Conservative Association asking to be made a member .
17 Gedge 's mother was pleased to see the band put our a tribute to Jones but would have preferred her son 's singing to be given a lot more prominence .
18 Barry and Diane do n't expect their jobs or their home back — but they 're hoping to be given a tribunal date for later this year .
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