Example sentences of "[v-ing] the [noun pl] [pron] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Once I heard her start singing the songs I knew it had to be her , ’ he says .
2 Now her mother is thanking the doctors who saved her life .
3 In summarising the factors which lead them to believe in mainstreaming , Hegarty , Pocklington and Lucas ( 1981 ) return to attitudinal variables and cite the ‘ enthusiasm of the headteacher ’ and his ‘ capacity to enlist the cooperation of staff ’ as key features .
4 ‘ But when we got down to signing the papers I saw there was £198 charged for the fittings and £223 VAT on the original sum I had been quoted .
5 He could listen to her gentle teasing before going into his secret room and memorandising the questions which bedevilled him .
6 But it does mean clarifying what we truly want out of life — defining the Dreams which make us tingle with aliveness — and making those dreams come true .
7 But meeting the neighbours who knew who she was and that her mother-in-law had moved to another county rather than come face to face with her — that really frightened her .
8 ‘ Would n't mind hunting the brutes who did it , ’ he said .
9 As we move on with God and seek his will for us as His church , we must be seen to be addressing the issues which face us today .
10 Galliano are cool and wise , but they do n't alienate their crowd by flaunting the books they want you to believe they read ; instead they quote Bob Marley and laugh .
11 Tears jumped into Evelyn 's eyes and she started to hurry in the direction of the girls ' barracks , ignoring the missiles which caught her on the back and arms or dropped uselessly on either side .
12 While Tom played his flute or sang , she played her violin , not much liking the sounds she heard herself making , sometimes even glad there was so much background racket and an undiscerning audience .
13 Gunn continues , describing the feelings which thrilled him in that time now past .
14 And as they weaved their way from the stores lining the streets he explained what he had in mind .
15 Now it must be confessed that no one in that situation would be likely to justify his choice by saying ‘ In recalling the tastes I found myself spontaneously moved to take the peach ’ .
16 ‘ Remember , ’ the Doctor said sternly , ‘ do n't touch anything unless you 're wearing the gloves I gave you . ’
17 ARSENAL boss George Graham last night blasted his multi-million pound stars for squandering the qualities which made them giants of English football .
18 This type of neurotransmitter ( there are , it turns out , at least three different endorphins ) damps down pain by suppressing the signals which transmit it ; it also provides feelings of well-being .
19 Sorry , I think it 's worth noting some of the circumstances giving rise to Mrs Brown er committing the offences which bring her before the court today .
20 and er he said to himself there 's something I , I , I do n't know what it is necessarily but there is something , go to a specialist and the specialist was very very good you know blah blah blah blah you want some te I want some tests , you know , so I had some tests , you know and the crew that were doing the tests they knew what they were looking for and they either found it or they did n't , do n't know .
21 In the process of reading the images they construct themselves as a particular kind of audience .
22 And you get so much time taking the strips one running them down .
23 The second query is prompted by Winch 's idea that the order in the minds of the actors is to be traced by identifying the rules which guide their thoughts and actions .
24 In our transit across public places we rely on others recognising the rules which assign us the right to proceed without being inconvenienced by impudent stares or unsolicited conversational openings .
25 Shortly after leaving the police she met her husband , Bernie — who is both a policeman and an animal lover .
26 Another useful extension of telling and retelling stories is the technique of telling only half a story leaving the pupils themselves to determine what happened next .
27 And far far from muddying the waters I think it makes clear that there are certain considerations that are acknowledged er which would allow certain proposals to come forward .
28 He said cos I used to keep the house tidy he said I 've been the in the army June an he said I can I can run a household he said but we and then working the shifts I do he said and go up the horses and that he said I just do n't get time to do it !
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