Example sentences of "[v-ing] the [adj] [noun] [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 She waited to be told , but he stayed silent , sipping , angling the damaged side of his face towards her .
2 ‘ My sister ! ’ he stated flatly , watching her , still allowing the rough grip on his hair .
3 The blue eyes were cold and watchful as he lounged casually in front of her , the thin sea island cotton shirt allowing the darker hairs on his chest to show through .
4 When I put down the receiver I heard Geoff Tulloch 's voice out in the main office , impressing the young women with his irrepressible personality .
5 In maintaining the Falangist content of his cabinet , he was intent upon showing the military that he was still in control and would not be pushed by them .
6 Second , Lyell had outlined very fully — and of course rejected — the comprehensive transmutationist system of biology developed by jean Lamarck , praising the French zoologist for his courage in extending his repugnant ideas to our own species , man .
7 She lifted a hand , touching the hard slope of his dark cheek with gentle fingers , then the arrogant curve of his nose and the darkness of his unshaven jaw .
8 ‘ Were you the last through Customs ? ’ he demanded imperiously , a frown marring the smooth gold of his forehead .
9 Athelstan walked gingerly along the parapet , using the crenellated wall as his guide .
10 Mercator ( he was now using the Latin version of his name ) left Copenhagen in 1654 , stayed briefly in London , and then moved to Paris .
11 The sheep often use gravity to increase the force of their attack : a male that stands above another on a hillside is at a distinct advantage ; he can drop on to his opponent using the full weight of his body .
12 During the next few years Miloš gradually increased his influence within the administration of the pashalik , using the considerable wealth at his disposal to bribe Turkish officials .
13 The narrator uses simple nouns in place of more precise terms , thus suggesting the limited lexicon of his characters .
14 Egbert Rose was helping the sailor-suited youngster on his right to fortify his castle .
15 ‘ Pray that you have not awakened the mad brother , ’ said he , helping the fallen anorakster to his feet .
16 The idea of devoting one 's career to helping the other fellow on his way , rejoicing , may be ennobling but it is sometimes more evident in theory than in practice .
17 was intrumental in bringing Thorstvedt to Tottenham and the former England keeper also believes he 's enjoying the best form of his life .
18 Just for a moment she remained very still , her senses taut , enjoying the light caress of his fingers .
19 ‘ Get on ! ’ said Teng , drawing the long club from his belt and jabbing the man viciously in the small of the back .
20 He appeared to allay this concern during the present hearings by admitting to mistakes , specifically not following up on the vague information available to him that there might have been a covert operation and unquestioningly accepting the repeated reassurances of his superior , the then CIA director William J. Casey , that government officials were not involved in illicit activities .
21 He sprinkled water over the towel and then went into a paroxysm of agony , nursing the injured arm against his chest and holding out his other hand for money .
22 Suggs ' between-song banter is cynical and self-effacing , underlining the shoulder-shrugging attitude of his colleagues .
23 Later , after work , I got a pretty good look at these new pants of ours , as Tod stood before the full-length mirror unknotting the plump Windsor of his tie .
24 ‘ Eddy , ’ he said sharply , leaning forwards and bringing the front legs of his chair down onto the floor with a crash , so that Bob looked up startled .
25 As she sipped the scotch , she reflected that if he were still alive he would no doubt be bringing the full force of his liberal rationalism to bear on the problem right now .
26 The harshly defeated Catholic crusader , without high rank and honour-less , had nothing before him except scrabbling for cash with his pen , an unhappy family life , and coating the intransigent permanence of his adolescence in premature and cranky old-bufferism .
27 He , too , had combed his long hair for the outing and had gone to the lengths of scrubbing the blue paint from his fingers .
28 His voice had become blank , as if reflecting the utter bleakness of his life .
29 Little enough daylight was left by the time Pedro came skulking back , and for most of the evening she had sat , talking to him , stroking the soft rug of his ear between tense fingers , and waiting for the fit to come again .
30 Gabriel nodded solemnly and went back to stroking the red velvet of his costume and eating an apple .
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