Example sentences of "[v-ing] in [noun prp] for [adj] year " in BNC.

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1 However , according to Zakrewski the government has ruled that the duty-free import quotas will only be divided up among home-grown or foreign companies that have been assembling in Poland for two years , while other firms will face levies at the old rates .
2 One may be amused — though not very — that after living in Italy for forty-five years Max still could not speak Italian , but such insularity is not to be imitated .
3 The Cossarts were Huguenots but had been living in Ireland for many years .
4 Originally from Inverness , Mr Cordial and his family have been living in Durham for 40 years .
5 Sabine , whose mother is German and father is Irish , has been living in Stuttgart for one year .
6 Mike just a point of information I have been teaching in Harlow for twenty years and I 've never been asked by anybody at the playhouse what play 's who 's like to see in my school .
7 Though people have been bungee jumping in Britain for 12 years , most notably from the Clifton suspension bridge in Bristol , it is only recently that commercial operators have begun to spring up .
8 It was great and probably would have been with the exception of the video going to number one , it probably would be the highlight of our career cos we 'd been out of had n't been working in Ireland for six years and we were back in and did a sell out concert tour and I think that was really good .
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