Example sentences of "[v-ing] in [noun prp] for [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , according to Zakrewski the government has ruled that the duty-free import quotas will only be divided up among home-grown or foreign companies that have been assembling in Poland for two years , while other firms will face levies at the old rates .
2 The burden of the message was that good men were dying in Belfast for lesser sins than MacQuillan was committing and unless he changed the Post 's tune he would be shot .
3 One may be amused — though not very — that after living in Italy for forty-five years Max still could not speak Italian , but such insularity is not to be imitated .
4 ‘ No , I am American , from the East Coast , but I have been living in England for some time . ’
5 The Cossarts were Huguenots but had been living in Ireland for many years .
6 Originally from Inverness , Mr Cordial and his family have been living in Durham for 40 years .
7 But that belonged to a white person who was , who could speak Punjabi very well , I think he wa he has been living in India for some time .
8 Sabine , whose mother is German and father is Irish , has been living in Stuttgart for one year .
9 In fact , a number of political parties and movements have been operating in Lithuania for some time , as in Estonia and Latvia ; the constitutional change merely recognises the existing situation .
10 Isabella 30,000 Lire credit at the beach restaurant for all guests staying in August for 7 nights or more .
11 Mike just a point of information I have been teaching in Harlow for twenty years and I 've never been asked by anybody at the playhouse what play 's who 's like to see in my school .
12 Though people have been bungee jumping in Britain for 12 years , most notably from the Clifton suspension bridge in Bristol , it is only recently that commercial operators have begun to spring up .
13 It was great and probably would have been with the exception of the video going to number one , it probably would be the highlight of our career cos we 'd been out of had n't been working in Ireland for six years and we were back in and did a sell out concert tour and I think that was really good .
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