Example sentences of "[v-ing] a good [noun sg] of [adj] " in BNC.

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1 From the point of view of young people with special needs , many of the new courses have the virtue of being flexible , student-centred , and of incorporating a good deal of individual programming .
2 It means that , by a certain amount of fairly skilful organization over the year , you 're meeting a good cross-section of senior and middle management .
3 Keen pond owners enjoy growing a good selection of aquatic plants especially waterlilies — given the facilities why not try experimenting with tropical waterlilies ?
4 And interestingly , one review by Mawer contains the only mention of the Newbolt Report to be included in the Review during the whole of the inter-war period , and this solely in the context of attributing to the Report responsibility for generating a good deal of subsequent discussion of grammar .
5 People in their sixties who are on their own are also beginning to move into such accommodation , giving a good mix of younger , able-bodied and older residents .
6 The records which were kept varied from the elaborately formal and comprehensive , involving a good deal of detailed and meticulous clerical work , to the admittedly casual and labour-saving .
7 Figs 4 and 5 contain two fingerings often used by Yngwie for diminished arpeggios : Fig 4 ascends using sweep picked six-note groups while fig 5 descends using a sixteenth note sequence involving a good deal of left-hand position shifting .
8 Making a good job of this !
9 The CD is the more tonally varied , featuring the excellent Lew Soloff playing a good deal of street-festival trumpet on some irresistible buoyant themes .
10 Overall the activities of you and your colleagues show a sure touch for covering a good balance of Scottish initiatives and overall Christian Aid initiatives .
11 Borrowers may find it in their interests not to break a relationship with an investment bank , as the latter may stabilise the bond price and maintain an orderly aftermarket , ensuring a good reception of future issues .
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