Example sentences of "[num] [num] [noun] [conj] [pron] 've " in BNC.

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1 Forty five minutes if you 've got forty five minutes , what 's , what 's the fraction of an hour ?
2 We th to rehearse a little bit of the debate we had last time on speed cameras , th there was erm discussion about who should fund the camera themselves because being a , the Department of Transport and Home Office recommendation , that they should be funded by the police , but because of Mr 's question at full Council and the wish of this committee to spend some of this additional money if you like , or in ninety three four for safety related measures , it was thought wise to combine the two and actually try and fund a trial er package of speed cameras cos it 's , it 's about six sites and one camera , from the ninety three four budget that we 've actually found .
3 When you 're gon na pay seventy five quid and you 've got one .
4 So he said erm I said to the woman I went to the court this morning so he said when you explain to me he said I 've got money in my pockets cos I borrowed it from dad tha he said I owed sixty two pound so he said I said to the woman in the court how can I pay this the sixty two pounds when you 've frozen my account ?
5 The biggest battle for the Macintyre expedition has been finding the funds … the trip is costing seventy to eighty thousand pounds and they 've still not raised all the money … but the charity 's patron the Duchess of York is planning to join them at Everest Base camp … that ’ ll wave the magic wand … will they make it
6 One one approach that we 've already heard is is in policy .
7 Er the other point I would make about the the figures under H One , really is that erm the twelve thirty figures that you 've seen in the tables is our best estimate at the present time , based on the site survey we 've carried out .
8 You take off , you 've got twenty two pounds , once , twenty eight pounds once you 've taken off the policy fee , but you 're not going to multiply it by twenty eight , you 're going to multiply by , how many tens , two point eight , yes ?
9 We 're talking about in excess of twenty thousand vehicles so you 've still got erm a considerable proportion , somewhere of the order of at least two thirds , which
10 If I 've got twenty five kids and you 've only got one yo , I need more than you !
11 Yeah , like the electricity , but your chickens come home to roost when your overtime goes , when your job goes and you take on a commitment and they never , the last ten , fifteen , twenty , twenty five years and they 've never ever , ever taken on a commitment like that before , when it 's presented with just the roses around it , everything 's sweetness and light and roses and the other side is n't really put , put to you , think of the worse scenario , you 're out of a job , what can you do ?
12 Do you know I 've served in the Army for thirty three years and I 've commanded every thing at every level in the infantry which both these gentlemen have been in , from a platoon right up now to a brig er brigade and I can honestly tell you that I have n't seen more than a couple of incidents of bullying in the whole of that time .
13 if we 've given ourselves a budget of four thousand pounds and we 've ear
14 It would be no good putting together menu and arranging to do two thousand covers if you 've got spacing for twenty persons , would it ?
15 do you see what I mean , right , sit and re-question close , right you can close them on ee do you want to include the extra window for two hundred pound , you follow me you 've hit them with a price you want to close them , right and you sit and do the paperwork and you just say to them do you want me to include the extra window for two hundred pounds because you 've already said to them you , you give an extra , do you follow me ?
16 Well I know in one terrace alone in Street , Street used to have three big bonfires in this two hundred yards and I 've known one terrace , Terrace to have as many as twenty mattresses you know piled on the street ready for , and the big lad the bigger lads used to , to get the props get somebody 's prop and stoke the fire up and put the mattresses on .
17 I 'm now up to a thirty four B and I 've been a thirty four B ever since then .
18 I was a fanatical record collector ; I 've got six to seven thousand records so I 've got plenty of places to look for ideas .
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