Example sentences of "[num] [noun pl] that [pron] have be " in BNC.

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1 Pakistan also have strong support from ex-Test stars from other countries such as Australia 's respected former captain , Richie Benaud , who says : ‘ On the opening day of the final Cornhill Test I was privileged to witness some of the finest swing bowling in the 44 years that I 've been in the game .
2 I 've never had a contract of employment in the six years that I 've been there but erm less than forty eight hours after all this happened every employee was issued with a contract of employment .
3 In the nineteen years that I have been in Parliament , I can not think of anyone , save for Enoch Powell , who has been a more powerful advocate of liberal economics than John Biffen .
4 a lot of it is er propaganda by the Conservative if , if they were gon na get it right , why could n't they get it right in the thirteen years that they 've been in power ?
5 We 've seen a very controlled and steady growth over the thirteen years that we 've been in business and I think as you can see there year on year we have consistently increased turnover and increased profitability .
6 He has been so busy in the last two or three months that he has been forced to temporarily stop promoting his products .
7 I have noticed this during the last two or three days that I have been sitting here , being able for the first time in this House , to see the faces of my old associates , I have admired the way in which they have cheered to keep their spirits up , and I have admired those who have done that knowing — knowing — that only a few weeks , possibly , remain , before the place that knows them now will know them no more .
8 During the three years that it has been accommodated at the Paris Exhibition Centre at Porte de Versailles — the original venue at CNIT having succumbed to the demolition expert 's hammer — the Salon Nautique has expanded by almost 20 per cent .
9 I said three flights that I 've been on in the last fortnight .
10 He 'd been no more than another face around the yard on the two or three occasions that she 'd been by , no reason that he should have made any lasting impression on her at all .
11 However , this sector of the Environment Services Division has expanded greatly in the ten years that it has been operating
12 During the fifteen months that he had been in prison his black hair had turned grey and his features had lost their definition .
13 I 'm hearing things now that I have not heard in fifteen years that I 've been on this County Council and I would suggest erm to Mr that when he 's talking about things that this County Council ought to print , and I think the one suggestion he came up with is very sensible , he could perhaps follow up with a catalogue of those things which he considers need doing that after a hundred years have not been done .
14 In the fifteen years that I have been giving lectures on sleep and dreaming to many groups of sixth-formers as well as undergraduate students , I have , in fact , only once had a single positive response to this question .
15 During the twelve years that I 've been head teacher at this school I have waited for promised improvements at the crossroads , and in particular the Lane junction .
16 Although not directly connected to the constitutional difficulties being experienced by Canada , McKenna acknowledged the indirect connection when , speaking of the growing co-operation between the four provinces , he admitted that he had " seen more co-operation during the last six months than I 've seen in the last five years that I 've been Premier " .
17 seventy five degrees I mean , and it was really cold and when we got back it was cold as well , it 's only the last four weeks that we 've been able to use the outdoor pools again
18 The GP said that Peter had been to see her many times in the two years that he had been married , with small ailments that seemed to be stress-related .
19 I speak as an hon. Member who has served time on four such Bills during the four years that I have been in the House — the City of London ( Various Powers ) Bill , the Tees and Hartlepool Port Authority Bill , and the London Underground Bills Nos. 1 and 2 .
20 Earlier this month Bear Stearns , the New York investment bank , distributed 10 million shares that it had been holding as part of a deferred payment plan .
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