Example sentences of "[num] [noun pl] [coord] [pers pn] be [verb] " in BNC.

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31 Last week , the computer broke down completely for 36 hours and it is claimed this may have resulted in up to 20 deaths .
32 ‘ In the States , most of the big races are over a mile or ten furlongs and it is becoming trickier by the season to be absolutely sure you have made the right decision . ’
33 John Pain wrote home to his mother : ‘ I note that a Canadian ( Walsh ) sprang a glycol leak at 27,000 feet and he was forced to bale out .
34 erm And then the twelfth race , the ten twenty , there was just the top erm standard distance event , an A one grade , four fifty metres and I 'm going to go for trap one again , Ambridge Power , trained by Paul Garland , another nice erm nice dog , he 's running really well .
35 We 're just playing with twelve pennies and she 's making patterns out of them to make multiplication tables
36 Erm I was n't quite certain of the wife 's P H I there was something about twelve months and she was getting a hundred and thirty pounds er I , I lost it because I was looking at the clock at the same , I must confess but erm
37 I 've worked in these homes for fifteen years and it was going on when I first started there .
38 He had worked the same hours , on the same farm for nine years but he was paid as a casual labourer , and so had no right to a pension , to notice pay — not even to the right of appeal .
39 They were there for five days and they were producing them .
40 Erm hash it back to referrals , thirty one weeks six hundred any of the thirty one weeks and they 're gone .
41 ‘ You only ran five metres and you 're panting fit for the knacker 's yard . ’
42 I just I just I could have spent five afternoons and it was finished .
43 He is working on a scheme with the National Federation of WI to organise a competition to celebrate next year 's 75th anniversary by offering 10 telecottages as prizes for its 9,000 branches and he is hoping the WI will establish a pilot telecottage near its college in Denman , Oxfordshire .
44 ‘ We have a link with some 250 farmers and we are working with them to produce what our customers — the consumers — want at the end of the day .
45 So nowadays I can say it was a German bomb of five hundred kilograms and it was dropped by a crippled He .
46 He 's only back from the war two minutes and he 's put the Medical Officer of Health 's nose out of joint .
47 ‘ We pulled back two goals and they were kicking the ball anywhere to keep us out . ’
48 The first time I wore this , I 'd had it for about two months and I was talking to Princess Margaret , but as we spoke , I could see she was following my hand with her eyes .
49 His reign as champion , however , lasted only two months and he was stopped in the tenth round of a return contest in New York City .
50 It only has two eyes but they are divided for viewing above and below the water surface .
51 well that would make your twenty would n't it because if you have four speakers and you 're aiming for sixteen punters
52 Windows World , which is effectively Microsoft 's booth there , is spread over two halls and we 're told to expect a cast of thousands of independent software vendors in supporting roles .
53 well mines the first two weeks and I 'm keeping them off those two days that they 're supposed to be at school
54 There has been some form of settlement in Humbleton for at least 900 years and it was mentioned in the Domesday Book in 1086 as Humeltone .
55 We 're here for two days and I 'm going to present to what to some of you will be some new ideas some new concepts that you 've perhaps never come across before .
56 But he was not discontented now : we had been in Fe– two days and he was airing his local knowledge to impress Flora , who had just arrived .
57 We mentioned a small acquisition in Japan last year , medi on the medical side of Longman , P P S K K it cost us about four million pounds and we were reckoning on a profit of about half a million a year pleased to say that its er , its profit looks like getting to a million pounds by the year end .
58 Two swallows and it was gone .
59 And the other one , I wonder if the Council would consider , over sixties club , I ought to declare an interest I suppose , erm have two hundred members and they are distributing this Christmas , as they al always do , a three pound voucher to each of those members in office you know and I just wondered whether the Council would consider a small contribution towards that expenditure .
60 Drew then withdrew from the 200 metres and I was asked to run .
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