Example sentences of "[num] [noun pl] [conj] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The second penalty goal by Strett eased Orrell , who were without Heslop after 30 minutes because of a rib injury , in front at 12–10 with about five minutes remaining .
2 This year it is therefore EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that we all sell our 2 books and as an incentive HQ say that each branch returning their block of completed lottery ticket stubs with a single branch cheque can keep 20% .
3 Such comments about the DTI 's effectiveness as a corporate policeman could have been made almost at any time over the last 30 years and in a multitude of cases .
4 HEADACHES during or after sex are still a mystery after more than 2,000 years because of a lack of study , researchers said today .
5 ‘ That delighted me , and so did the performance of Froggatt , who has had only one five-a-side game in the last 10 weeks because of a knee injury .
6 's ( 1965 ) three dimensions and in a survey of heads of household in Illinois , found that socioeconomic status generally accounted for more of the rural-urban variation than either occupation or residence , and then rejected Bealer 's approach when they argued that future work should concentrate on single-dimension variables .
7 During November it ordered ground forces over the " security zone " border on three occasions and in a clash on Nov. 27 on the edge of the zone five Israeli soldiers were killed by Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine ( PFLP ) guerrillas .
8 After three miles and at an altitude of 1200 feet , the walls end at a gateway , and here cars must be parked .
9 From Mr evidence I assessed her net year earnings up to her fourth year as nine thousand pounds and with a multiplier of one , award that sum .
10 Teenage full back Phil Hardy looks almost certain to regain his left back spot after missing the last 11 games because of a foot operation , with utility man Wayne Phillips reverting to a more familiar midfield role .
11 Here 's two new ones from Fender , but separated by several thousand miles and over a grand 's worth of drinking vouchers …
12 But what truly makes my Dynamique even more attractive is this other comparison : in the last ten years and without a lot of fanfare Dynamique has become the reference point in terms of creativeness and reliability … always one step ahead of the others .
13 We can live in a place ten years and within a fortnight of moving out it is as if we have never been there .
14 Measuring 259 metres by 33.5 metres and with a depth over the sill of 12.3m at Mean High Water Spring Tide the new lock was built to allow ships carrying in excess of 20,000 tonnes of cargo to enter and leave the port .
15 We are flying at a height of 11,000 metres and at a speed of just under 750kph .
16 ‘ Pat Nevin , our other scorer , has not been able to train properly for the last five weeks because of an ankle problem . ’
17 Goram has not played since receiving a kick on the knee against FC Brugge ; Gough has missed Rangers ' last five matches because of a hamstring problem ; Steven has played only once during that time , as has Ferguson ; while Huistra last featured in Smith 's team against Arbroath ten days ago when Arbroath were eliminated from the Scottish Cup ten days ago .
18 United , attepting to regain the leadership of the First Division , begin a demanding run of four games in seven days and Robson , who has played in only two of the last five matches because of a calf problem , is still troubled by the injury .
19 I sought to prove that , if an aerodrome or transport park was the objective of an operation , then the destruction of 50 aircraft or units of transport was more easily accomplished by a sub-unit of five men than by a force of 200 men .
20 Notes Minimum age 15 years unless on a Youth Training Scheme .
21 TIPSS was successfully performed electively in 15 patients and as an emergency in three patients .
22 Therefore my own chapel which has not been used for two generations but for a lumber room , because our family seldom resided here long together , shall be cleared and cleaned and got ready for the ceremony .
23 A task force within BCCI was set up to investigate : on the basis of its report , PW told the BCCI directors that it could not sign the 1989 accounts because of a number of uncertainties , including increasing CCAH loans , an exposure of $700m to the Gulf Group , and ‘ certain accounting transactions principally booked in Cayman and other offshore centres ’ that ‘ have been either false or deceitful ’ .
24 His replacement , Sosuke Uno , was forced out of office after only two months because of a sex scandal .
25 However , Queen 's will be struggling for a scrum-half with former Irish Schools ' skipper Kenton Hillman ruled out for two months because of a shoulder injury , while centre Gerry Ross is heading for Trinity .
26 He had attended courses in England and arranged visits by senior Metropolitan officers to the Hoover Building to form those one-on-one relationships that in a crisis can cut through miles of red tape .
27 To help the process along the way , the Labour party acolytes on Humberside county council fell over themselves to be the first to grant planning permission for gas generators at Killingholme , replacing coal requirements by 3 million tonnes and with a loss of 3,000 mining jobs .
28 ALONG with six million other householders , I 've been unable to use a hosepipe for more than two years because of a drought order .
29 You can always look back and say " What if " , but we must remember that we got ourselves out of a couple of scrapes on last two days and for a time we looked absolutely terrible , but we turned it around and could have won .
30 For the first period he took as a starting point his previously arrived figure of forty seven thousand five hundred pounds and as an end point a figure of fifty nine thousand four hundred and twenty one pounds ninety six pence , derived from Mrs .
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