Example sentences of "[num] [adj] [noun] [prep] [art] same " in BNC.

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1 Morgan have AAA debt ratings from both Standard $ Poor 's and Moody 's , two big American rating agencies , Barclays Bank , Deutsche Bank and Union Bank of Switzerland are among the eight European banks in the same category ( see table on next page ) .
2 He had to learn his words , of course — perhaps for six different plays at the same time .
3 For example , suppose that a partnership is holding three low cards in the same suit .
4 Brain sections were incubated for 1h with rabbit polyclonal C3d antiserum ( Dakopatts ) at a dilution of 1 in 100 in 50mM Tris-HCl , pH7.4 , containing 200mM NaCl in a closed chamber at room temperature , followed by three 5-min washes in the same Tris buffer .
5 Lawrence Durrell sustains in his own way what he calls his ‘ challenge to the serial form of the modern novel ’ : in The Alexandria Quartet , he presents successively three different views of the same set of events , creating a novel ‘ not travelling from a to b but standing above time ’ ( Durrell 1957 and 1983 : 198 ) .
6 In vitro , the α-truncated RNA polymerases alone recognize three different promoters with the same hierarchy as wild-type RNA polymerase
7 Who ever heard of any fanatical terrorist outfit being able to organize three assassinations in three different countries within the same twenty-four hours ? ’
8 There are some scary production photos showing Burroughs , Cronenberg and leading actor Peter Weller staring , bespectacled and unblinking , into the camera , as though they were three different generations of the same person .
9 For even more variety , try weaving several different sizes of the chosen shape , or even combining two or three different shapes into the same design .
10 Scale and repetition are integral to the thirty-four painting-size prints in his ten-year survey : the smallest is three by five feet , and he presents at least three different images of the same subject together .
11 He then published four charts covering the south-west coast from Saltcoats to Whitehaven in Cumberland , before turning to the east coast of Scotland , producing a general chart in 1785 and in May 1786 three separate charts of the same coast .
12 There were two or three other typists/clerkesses in the same outer office .
13 When the assistant is serving you , he may also be serving two or three other people at the same time and holding a conversation with yet another .
14 A population density of 35 per square mile gives less than 1,000 possible contacts within three miles to any individual : a density of 10,000 per square mile gives him 280,000 possible contacts in the same radius .
15 MATERNAL MORTALITY RATE — Annual number of maternal deaths per 100,000 live births in the same year .
16 I rang ten different Jobcentres on the same day , and received ten different responses !
17 The price of goods varies for the same item , in fact Birkbeck noted as many as ten different prices for the same type of waste paper .
18 They 're spelt how you say them so they can be spelt er ten different ways in the same village !
19 However , on Oct. 6 following talks on the same day with Sirimavo Bandaranaike , the leader of the opposition Sri Lanka Freedom Party ( SLFP ) , President Ranasinghe Premadasa agreed to consider the formation of an interim all-party administration and the holding of a referendum on the country 's executive presidential system ; the latter had been a major demand of the SLFP , which opposed the concept of the executive presidency .
20 In addition there were breeding records or casual breeding season reports from 25 other localities in the same period .
21 Kibbutzim children too are reported to have no difficulty in relative to more than one parental figure at the same time ( Pringle , 1972 )
22 Let us say for the sake of argument that it is five different partners on the same night .
23 Police believe his attackers may have robbed at least nine old people in the same area .
24 The public needed to be made aware that prostitutes were not ‘ soiled doves ’ , but were a class of women who were almost ‘ unsexed ’ and had lost all ‘ womanly feeling ’ , consorting with as many as ‘ eight to twelve different men in the same night ’ .
25 The Rev Hammer stands resplendent in battered hat , pleated hair and a grin so friendly he might even stand a chance of getting in the Camden Palace , and announces ‘ There 's two shcools of folk — the scholars with 27 different versions of the same sea shanty , and the get drunk/dance a lot/make free love … this is the lot I 'm interested in ! ’
26 The Rev Hammer stands resplendent in battered hat , pleated hair and a grin so friendly he might even stand a chance of getting in the Camden Palace , and announces ‘ There 's two shcools of folk — the scholars with 27 different versions of the same sea shanty , and the get drunk/dance a lot/make free love … this is the lot I 'm interested in ! ’
27 In renting a movie a national ( monopoly ( TV channel may only pay as much per showing as one major cinema in the same country pays for a week .
28 A case study will be undertaken of one primary and one secondary school in the same LEA , focusing mainly on the work of the headteacher , senior staff and other teachers in planning , preparing for and introducing the changes .
29 One of Edgar Chance 's cuckoos , recognisable by its distinctive eggs , returned for no less than five consecutive years to the same common in southern England .
30 When I 'm drinking a glass of water , I 'm drinking a glass of water and not thinking about five other things at the same time .
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