Example sentences of "[num] [prep] [noun] [to-vb] [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 Aware of how precarious his position was , and still clinging to the Entente as the only hope in the shifting pattern of the European system , he had taken the unusual step of sending Eugénie to visit Queen Victoria at Osborne in the July of 1867 in order to find out the Queen 's reactions to the situation .
2 Built in 1870 by Palmerston to ward off the French , this circular granite and steel stronghold which was never used for its original purpose , rises sheer from the sea bed , and has been converted into a James Bond style multi-millionaire 's private residence .
3 Now taxpayers must pay hundreds of billions of dollars to clean up the mess left by under-capitalised thrifts .
4 He became a Swedish citizen in 1937 in order to take up the offer of teaching posts in the Royal Opera School and the Music High School ( later renamed the Royal Academy of Music ) , Stockholm , where he had great influence on a generation of singers , including Birgit Nilsson and Jussi Björling , whom he taught privately .
5 Many were surprised when he and Sir Thomas Lee ( who later admitted to receiving money from the lord treasurer , Thomas , first Baron Clifford of Chudleigh , q.v. ) supported the government in February 1673 in its request for £1.2 million in order to carry on the war with the Dutch .
6 It costs thousands of pounds to draw up the documentation .
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