Example sentences of "[vb base] [been] the [adj] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Since that time , interest rates have increased and there have been the well publicised problems in the sector .
2 While the institutions rushing for the exit have been the small British firms , the institutions entering these markets — in addition to a number of major British banks — have been the comparatively enormous foreign houses .
3 There have been the odd sour ones , from men who object to what they call sexism in the Labour Party , ie , ‘ assisted places ’ on the Shadow Cabinet .
4 Until this year , massive and painful jabs of immunoglobulin in the bottom have been the only short-term chance of protection .
5 This and our unbelievable performance against Northtown have been the only bright spots in another nightmare week .
6 The council is aiming at money earmarked for spending on rural development , what the European Commission calls Objective 5b , the status which the Highlands and Islands have been the only Scottish region to have had in recent years .
7 Along with the clatter of clunk-clicking up and down the nation this week , there have been the usual apocryphal murmurings about the dangers of seat belts .
8 In 1973 David Clarke wrote an article called ‘ Archaeology : the loss of innocence ’ and although things have moved on , and there have been lots of new ideas since the early days of the new archaeology , that loss of innocence , and the willingness to think about the theoretical foundations of archaeology , have been the big new development .
9 Traditionally the merchant banks have been the main financial advisers in a merger or acquisition deal — they traded very much on their reputation for knowing all the right people and being able to approach them at any time .
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