Example sentences of "[vb base] [been] [vb pp] from [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The court to which proceedings have been transferred from another court after the making of the bankruptcy order also has this power ( Re A Debtor ( No 2A of 1980 ) ( 1981 ) Ch 148 ) .
2 proper returns adequate for our audit have been received from all branches we did not visit ;
3 No further work can be done on the DC until assessments have been received from these users .
4 No further work can be done on the DC until assessments have been received from these users .
5 Only after causatives have been studied from this point of view both in English and in other languages will we be in a position to attempt valid generalizations across languages .
6 Data have been obtained from all government and other offices which regularly produce information relating to the local economy .
7 The elements of punktitude are still apparent within my good degenerate self , however , and I have the impertinence to inform the masses of a quartet infamously known as Buzzcocks who seem to fit so neatly into the punk category , yet have been eschewed from all chances of recognition .
8 Materials have been developed from this study and two books describe 12 pre-school schemes and centres which are attempting to develop relationships between parents and workers ( Pugh et al 1987 ) .
9 Monopoly rights have been removed from several professions but most notably from opticians and solicitors .
10 lie beyond our scope here : but the hostility with which such schemes have been greeted from many parts of the political spectrum is indicative of their questionable value . )
11 Overall , the world 's savanna lands ( those in Australia have been omitted from this discussion as this chapter deals specifically with developing countries ) present both considerable potential and considerable environmental degradation .
12 ( Three authors publishing more than 100 papers each have been omitted from this graph ) .
13 ( Three authors publishing more than 100 papers each have been omitted from this graph ) .
14 In addition a single visit was made to five sites , but these counts have been excluded from this analysis .
15 ( People who had been in a hospital for all the year before they died have been excluded from these comparisons . )
16 Three or four of these youngsters will approach the elderly person , try and confuse them by speaking to them about something completely irrelevant , and just er disappear during which time of course er valuables have been taken from these people .
17 Ethnic differences in mortality from sudden infant death syndrome have been reported from several countries .
18 Two conclusions have been drawn from this evidence :
19 Sequences from each subgroup have been identified from each Nasonia species .
20 Many well known buildings have been carpeted from these looms .
21 Basingstoke , top of Courage Four South , have been banned from all rugby for two weeks by Hampshire after having had five players sent off this season .
22 As well , the Milton Keynes-based team have been banned from this weekend 's end-of-season showpiece in south London , the Evian Inter Counties tournament .
23 Five hundred and forty tubes of the drug have been stolen from this warehouse in Milton Keynes .
24 I have heard of such things and met men who have been paid from such purses and eaten from such pots .
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