Example sentences of "[vb base] [been] [vb pp] [prep] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 By and large they 've been replaced by computers now .
2 ‘ You 've been seen around London lately with both John D. Hansom and Roderick Luckey , and rumour has it that both men want to marry you .
3 According to Soviet sources , a catalogue of 600 scientific and technical innovations from the space shuttle Buran and the giant rocket booster Energiya have been prepared for exploitation worldwide .
4 Intervention of that kind is justified only when the occasions of intervention have been announced in advance so that anyone who is listening will hear and understand .
5 Her situation is echoed by the other children , all of whom have been affected by Chernobyl emotionally as well as physically .
6 Two policemen were shot dead in Johannesburg yesterday , bringing to 40 the number of South African police members who have been assassinated on duty so far this year .
7 Some signs have been erected in Edinburgh specifically to help cyclists , as follows :
8 Some signs have been erected in Edinburgh specifically to help cyclists , as follows :
9 Some signs have been erected in Edinburgh specifically to help cyclists , as follows :
10 ‘ But it seems as though we have been barred by left-wingers yet again .
11 Offers of help for the Bosnian evacuees have been received from countries all over the world including Britain .
12 According to figures supplied by Dr Hattat , only 300 vasectomies have been done in Turkey so far , and he has done fewer than 10 in the past year .
13 Those who 've noticed the number of times the Sedgefield MP 's cherubic opinions have been aired on television recently will little doubt it .
14 People have been diagnosed with cancer etcetera , erm , in fact at the convention yesterday , they had some clients on the stage , one lady had been diagnosed with breast cancer , she got a pay-out from living assurance , five years later she 's been cleared , and , and she 's thrilled to bits about it .
15 Watson notes that occasional multidrug resistant strains have been isolated in Britain recently but that there is no formal evidence that these are related to HIV disease .
16 There are no central statistics on the number of fatalities on school trips , though obviously individuals have been killed in accidents less newsworthy than the Land 's End and Cairngorms tragedies .
17 Most of the objective data on acupuncture analgesia have been obtained with electroacupuncture rather than dry needling as described in the reference that Lewis cites ; therefore we prefer electroacupuncture .
18 Baby sea-lions have been born at Belfast before but have always been born dead or have only survived a few hours .
19 Huge photographs of Ken Palmer 's run-out blunder involving Graham Gooch at Headingley have been displayed on buses all over Pakistan .
20 Since the information stored is likely to differ from one employee to another , several relational database management systems for personnel records have been developed on micros exclusively for use in personnel applications .
21 So far , bookings have been made for exhibitions well into 1992 .
22 Tall black or white hats ( ‘ tiles ’ ) have been worn for matches ever since .
23 As a result far too many people emerge from their doctor , lawyer or bank manager feeling that they have not had a fair deal and have been treated as children rather than as adults who know their own mind .
24 After a year , several relationships have been formed with Christians thus breaking the links with some former friends .
25 Both animals are recovering and have been moved to stables nearby .
26 POLICE union fears over the role of the proposed 30-strong city crime prevention wardens for Glasgow city centre have been allayed after talks yesterday with the Strathclyde Chief Constable , Leslie Sharp .
27 Debates over important issues , from nuclear weapons to public ownership , have been settled by manipulation rather than persuasion .
28 They have been trapped in adolescence ever since being tamed .
29 The killings have been surrounded by controversy ever since , but Government lawyers were arguing before the Human Rights Commission today that a British inquest has already ruled that the deaths were ‘ lawful ’ .
30 More than 1,000 objects have been removed from Angkor alone , and decapitated statues are everywhere .
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