Example sentences of "[vb base] [to-vb] [pers pn] [conj] [pers pn] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 After careful consideration I regret to inform you that you have been unsuccessful .
2 I want to see you and I want you to see me .
3 However , my own interest , perhaps , is more in what a library , a typical library not just a university library , can do with its own computer , and most of our most of our readers , most of the people who use libraries expect to find books in those libraries and expect to find them when they want them , and our interests have been angled very much towards improving that sort of service .
4 However , my own interest , perhaps , is more in what a library , a typical library — not just a university library can do with its own computer , and most of our readers , most of the people who use libraries , expect to find books in those libraries and expect to find them when they want them , and our interests have been angled very much towards improving that sort of service .
5 The Pope says : ‘ I want to inform you that I have decided to establish the ‘ World Day of the Sick ’ , which is to be celebrated each year on 11th February , the liturgical memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Lourdes .
6 People want to hear you as they know you , not with a false accent .
7 books for Alex and I want to help him and I want him to have an advantage , but I do n't want it to cause problems at school
8 My dear , I do n't in the least want to hurry you but I think you should go .
9 What happens if you want to edit it and you 've got tabs in , does it make it more difficult ?
10 ‘ I 've got panto and I want to do it because I 've got to pay the mortgage .
11 14 Remember the students want to respect you and they want to learn ; you start off a class with a great fund of goodwill .
12 Enthusiasm is closely linked with interest , for it is only when things cease to interest us that we lose enthusiasm .
13 Er you , you want to keep them because you think they do alright and
14 well I know , well you want to label it so you know what 's on it just reminding you , you say , oh you 'll say you did n't remind me to write it down
15 ‘ Is there anything you want to ask me before I go ?
16 ‘ They want to show you that they trust you . ’
17 Well , I just want to tell her that I understand her predicament and that she should feel free to call old Sam up anytime .
18 Will she not be back from her trip soon , and hope to see you before you go ? ’
19 I happen to know it but I think it would be wrong of me to disclose it tonight er this evening .
20 People get to love you and they rely on you so when they need you , you ca n't turn your back on them .
21 And when they have , we like to tell them that they have .
22 You know , they like to tell you that they smoke .
23 And I find this challenging , these talks , which is why I was n't at all sorry to be asked to do so and why I continue to do them and I enjoy giving the , I enjoy meeting people , I meet an awful lot of , of nice people .
24 The persons alleged to have picked up the letter then chase the accusers round the circle and try to catch them before they sit in the empty space , as in the previous game .
25 Try to catch us when we count ten .
26 Get to know when you are at your best for different types of study and try to do them when you know you 're at your best .
27 Try to believe it when I say they are PLUMBERS .
28 I try to ignore it but I do worry she may be going short of protein and vitamins .
29 They look up to the English players and try to copy them as they feel that is the right way to behave .
30 Delaunay , who earlier in the year had held an important exhibition together with Marie Laurencin at the Galerie Barbazanges , did not show at the Section d'Or , and wrote an open letter to Vauxcelles : ‘ I beg to inform you that I do not subscribe to the erroneously held opinions of Monsieur Hourcade which proclaim me as a founder of Cubism together with four of my colleagues and friends .
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