Example sentences of "[vb base] [to-vb] [adv] for a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You 're obviously more cautious than you were before , and erm a lot of kids now they tend to stand back for a while just in case 'cause you can never judge how fast they 're really going to go through there .
2 ‘ I — I just want to go below for a moment . ’
3 I want to go out for a ride in the open air . ’
4 Oh well might have perhaps will you have a spare day No I want to go out for a meal No , but I been home but at dinner time just .
5 and go out and that , if you want to come down for a couple of days .
6 Want to come in for a minute ? "
7 ‘ But you want to stay on for a couple more days ?
8 I think it 's brilliant , and when I came out of hospital you said mummy , I said I want to stay here for a couple of days is that Stacey ?
9 mm , mm , were , were talking about what happens when people who have fallen in love get together and decide to stay together for a bit and its been suggested that marriage can put some strains on er what started off as a very heady mutual experience , if your lucky , let me ask you this , do you think marriage destroys love ? , button one for yes and button two for no , does marriage destroy love ? , as you understand it mm a few are not sure but thirty people have said yes , who said yes
10 You try to get up for a cup of tea
11 And we always try to get together for a while in the same room before we play a concert , just to make sure we have a talk and a laugh .
12 ‘ Would n't you like to go and get the children and come to stay here for a night or two ? ’ he said .
13 Josie glanced at the old folding travel alarm that she kept open on the makeup table , and said , ‘ I have to go somewhere for a minute .
14 You have to sit down for a minute
15 I promise to come out for a drink or dinner , even a game of tennis with you . ’ ’
16 Finely spread bait means they have to work hard for a meal and therefore remain in the swim for the maximum length of time .
17 It 's certainly a , a day of reflection an and great appreciation on a part of all of us , the reason we 're here er for me , personally , I need to back up for a moment perhaps .
18 These people , I remarked , could pull out of their pockets , thoughtlessly , as much money for a round of drinks as most single parents have to live on for a week ; could pay as much for a few hours ’ sleep as a Third World peasant and his family have to live , or die , on for a year .
19 ‘ I just need to lie down for a while .
20 I know it 's risky — a lot more risky than if I waited for Yukio to finish programming the starpod — but I just need to get away for a while , by myself , and think .
21 But if Iran is to succeed , its government ( will ) have to act firmly for a time . "
22 We have to stop here for a moment to sort out the coordinates .
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