Example sentences of "[vb base] [vb pp] [noun pl] [prep] [pos pn] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Still , I 'm sure you 've seen girls in their frillies before .
2 I walk around the shop on air and Berty Barlow says I 've got stars in my eyes , and I have and they 're shining just for you .
3 said down the corridor he walked in his full uniform , the first morning say and that memory son will always stick ya , cos when I give her over that picture of the twins at Christmas , she , she looked up , she sort of looked up at me , she said I 've got tears in my eyes have n't I , and I looked and like I was choked as well and I , she sort of , I said yeah you are and she said , every time I look at them it brings back those memories the first memories of this little boy
4 We 've got muscles on his eyelids !
5 ‘ I 'm a pretty tough sort of bloke — you have to be to run a pub , ’ John said , ‘ but I 've had tears in my eyes today . ’
6 Companies will often provide staff to come and talk to children , bring samples of their company 's products and arrange accompanied visits to their premises .
7 It includes work by Yugoslavian artists who 've sent copies of their exhibits , sometimes by fax .
8 The fish have modified muscles in their flanks which generate and transmit these electric discharges .
9 I have seen snapshots of her arms extending cigarette lighters , her lips painted seamlessly in China red matt , each eyebrow plucked and lined with one rich stroke of a black pencil , false lashes on her eyes , ‘ twinkle ’ blue kohl beneath and drawn at a tilt .
10 They 've lowered themselves to harrassment. 5 members have had visits at their homes .
11 And the local authorities also we have government policy again we have the situation that Wage Councils which have agreed increases for our members within the prison service , do n't know whether they 'll be allowed to implement them because they are over the one and a half percent .
12 and it 'll flow out , okay , now we know that 's the difference in colour and I 've already told you that the arteries have got muscles in their walls , what 's the difference in between the wall of the muscle , muscular wall , let's put my teeth back in , the muscular wall of the artery and the wall of the vein ?
13 If any of us have got troubles at our schools where there 's vandalism , will you provide us , at the tax payer 's expense , with a security man ?
14 Unions at the car factory say they are delighted that bosses have rewarded workers for their efforts with major investment .
15 Now the speculators have hit hard times and are desperately trying to off-load the cars which have become millstones around their necks .
16 These are men and women who have invested years of their lives into various enterprises , only to see their firms hurled on the trash heap by intransigent , arrogant , profit-hungry banks .
17 THE MISSION have announced details of their guests for their outdoor show at London 's Finsbury Park on June 1 .
18 for minerals enforcement , we have a a habit of my patch and up until now the minerals companies have run rings round our officers because we have n't got sufficient staff in our department .
19 Sometimes the movement of farmers into these regions is actively encouraged by government policies ; elsewhere it is an indirect result of policies that have forced peasants off their lands in order to develop cash cropping and ranching , a process that began with colonial settlement ( section 4.4 ) .
20 ‘ I have taken souls to my Masters , Wolfprince , and every one I give them is placed on the Silver Scales of Justice . ’
21 Like their prey , they are members of the segmented group of animals , though the degree to which they have retained divisions in their bodies varies considerably .
22 Two young Africans have sent broad-sheets to their friends , dealing with the crisis .
23 Do not go on to fill in the objectives list until you and your partner have begun negotiations on your expectations .
24 Examples from schools who have acquired microcomputers for their libraries will be used as sources of inspiration rather than documents to be copied verbatim .
25 Some GPs even have paid healers in their surgeries as a growing number offer healing sessions in addition to conventional medicine .
26 Becher ( 1981 ) showed that academics have stereotyped ideas about their colleagues working in other fields .
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