Example sentences of "[vb base] [vb pp] [adv] and [pron] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 It 's a bit of a bummer really but you know when you 've got it on and you 're talking , cos I was telling jokes and you get carried away and you start thinking wah and you start telling all the jokes and everything there 's a , a lot of swearing on this tape , a lot of swearing , a lot of swearing .
2 I think they get fed up and I do n't think that a that language-wise they have the vocabulary in the school to be able to pluck out meaningful comments and you know , and go right across the curriculum there I think
3 if you get pulled over and they realize it 's false then you 're well shagged apart from just driving a car you 're also done for fraud .
4 Why do you think it is that erm that the reputation of the flats has been er I suppose gone off and I mean early on back in the early seventies , erm the flats were quite an attractive place to come to , it was n't even that easy to get on the flats .
5 There are not many , a tiny minority , who have done outrageous things , who 've misbehaved outrageously and who 've been allowed to persist in their misbehaviour .
6 Th th they 've come through and they 've taken control of the area .
7 I just do n't know what was wrong with it , I 've work , Jason said Ja we a subject turned to what he wore in bed Ja and Jason said nothing , right but he said when it 's winter I wear my t-shirt and the pants and I cuddle up to my glow worm and we was all taking the mickey out of his glow worm , right so I 've come home and I read the paper and I 'll see glow worm in it , so I cut it out and give it to him and he stuck it up in the factory !
8 They 've seen through and they realize that all these wasting .
9 No not you get different statements different erm I would n't like to repeat some of them right , but if them lads sat down and studied it erm same as I 've said now and they say , Well yes aye .
10 Look at what the information on the pro on the prospect call thing that you 've got there and I want you to plan an opening question .
11 Er no cos we 're what we 're gon na use the product that we 've got in and you need some do n't you ?
12 Especially if you do n't realize that till you 've got , till you 've got home and you realize you 've got to go through all the hassle of going back to the shop to complain .
13 Back in the city there were thousand of people doomed , dying and all unnecessarily because here was plenty , here was sufficient for the whole city and possibly the greatest sin that you and I can be guilty of and that the church is generally guilty of , but you know when we talk about the church generally its , its so easy because that 's general , you and I that are the church , not the denomination , not the organization , it you and I , possibly the greatest sin that we can be guilty of is the sin of silence , I 'm not talking now about a rude , belligerent , discourteous , butting hole , button holding of people , I 'm not talking about that , I do n't see any place in gods word for that sort of attitude or that sort of approach but are we still silent , what about with those with whom we have the right , because we 've created a relationship , because they know us and they 've seen us and they 've seen the experiences we 've gone through and they 've seen what god has done in our lives , what about with those people do we wait for others to do it , shifting the responsibility .
14 d' ya know it 's funny , on a Wednesday when I go , when they 've gone home and I 've tidied up a bit
15 What we tend to do is to brief ourselves very thoroughly on vulnerable spots in the world , and in countries where we already have links and where we 've worked before and we know the background because we , we feel we need that and we monitor very carefully certain events which could lead to a disaster , so that when the disaster does happen , like for instance the Ugandan famine of nineteen seventy-nine to eighty-one , we knew exactly when it was going to happen and we knew exactly where the people were , we knew who was going to be affected , we knew why they were affected , we knew where the food stocks were , we knew how long it was going to take to get so many thousand tonnes of food from A to B erm and how many trucks you would need .
16 The churn rate is now down to eleven percent , the result of positive action that we 've taken there and we expect to add a million homes during this year and the cable audience I am pleased to say is growing still very very slowly er but that should help as well .
17 A friend of mine Dave who wrote half the album with me and produced the album has been on at me for five years , come on let's make an album , let's make an album , let's make an album , making a , let's make an album er and a few record companies have come on and they 've always wanted me to do an album like maybe , let's prepackage old sixties ' songs and revise them , or let's do love themes from T V shows and which would never have interested me , so I said to Dave , you know when a record company comes with an offer to make an album , to do the album I wan na do then we 'll do one .
18 But I could tell no more than I have written here and I think they all knew from the start it was hopeless .
19 Erm he then goes on to talk about erm eliminating banditry erm wh which basically erm where the peasant associations are powerful enough erm , you know , where the people rise up bandi bandits do n't exist because the people have risen up and you know are , are , are strong enough because they 've got swords , because they 've got spears , they 've joined together to , to get rid of the bandits .
20 And when things have turned up and they 've not been quite right he 's known
21 things have turned round and you instigate violent measures there 's , there 's no controls left .
22 ' Yes , sir , I have thought deeply and I have a plan .
23 Other people have got out and they 've done similar things to her .
24 No , it , no it 's the one 's that have opted out and they do n't try to get work and they do n't want work
25 I mean I have been drunk , I have been stoned , I have passed out and I have been ill .
26 If your children have left home and you have more space than you need , you could consider taking in lodgers , either as paying guests or , if your property lends itself to the creation of a separate flatlet , in a tenancy capacity .
27 Ten days have elapsed already and I have n't even thought about where to begin .
28 ‘ We get a lot of donations from relatives and friends of people we have nursed here and we have kept a record of them over the last few years , ’ said Mrs Deidre Shaw , administrator for the appeal .
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