Example sentences of "[vb base] [subord] they be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ( 135 ) … raising the temperature of some solid and liquid compounds causes them to decompose into their elements ( or oxidize if they are heated in air ) …
2 They say if they are barred from Skinnergate and High Row in Darlington it will force them towards the hazardous roundabouts on the inner ring road .
3 In addition , the clergy appear to have considerable difficulty in recognizing the transformation which theoretical positions on Christian belief and morality undergo as they are concretized in historical human relationships , doubtless also because of the strong essentialist bias in their perception of socio-ethical issues .
4 Horses nearly always hesitate when they are led into a dark stable at night , even if they know their dinner is ready and waiting for them there .
5 Millions upon millions of seeds , spores , and similar reproductive bodies are annually scattered abroad in order that species may settle in new stations ; yet millions upon millions perish because they are sown in places where physical conditions or nature of the soil check their development or where other species are stronger .
6 I do n't stand any nonsense , mind you , they do what I tell them and they speak when they 're spoken to , but they know where they are with me .
7 They had hardly crossed Birdcage Walk when they were hailed by a cheerful shout and Jerome Mapleton trotted up beside them , rubicund , sweaty-faced , a little out of breath .
8 It seems to hang threateningly over the village , with massive detached boulders of slate ready to topple if you put a foot wrong , and great heaps of rubble lie where they were detached from the rock face by gunpowder , which was also made in the vicinity .
9 Did you care to touch upon the fact that fish rarely flourish once they are removed from water ? ’
10 But , increasingly , films look like they were designed for the small screen .
11 The effect of these EDMs is measured by the number of signatures they attract when they are printed on the daily Order paper .
12 Urban alienation is seen as a risk to the State and some projects succeed because they are sold on this fear that no response could endanger the State 's stability .
13 There has been a dramatic increase in knee injuries since the '70s , when it was more common to break a leg ; serious knee sprains , probably involving torn ligaments , are at least ten times more likely than broken legs — mainly because bindings now release when they are meant to and boots give greater support to the lower leg and ankle .
14 Kurecolor Brush Pens can be used from the point or from the side to give a variety of stroke qualities and they flex as they are drawn along the paper surface , adding character to the marks .
15 Livers fail because of cancer , or hepatitis , or drug overdose , but mostly I suppose because they are assailed by alcohol and just ca n't cope .
16 I can understand so well what women feel when they are subjected to a male-dominated society — an almost intolerable urge to scream at those smirking , swanking Don Juans who think no woman can resist them .
17 I 'm having some difficulty working out where fences go because they 're obscured by these twenty foot wide er lines .
18 TWO little princesses laugh and shout as they are tossed in the air and splash around in the pool with their mother 's handsome friend with the funny accent .
19 This is not to deny that child abuse is a ‘ factual ’ phenomenon or thing , it is to argue that facts only take the form they do because they are interpreted within given contexts of meaning .
20 In other words they appear and disappear as they do because they are controlled by a particular sedimentary facies .
21 We do n't know if any in England that survive although they are described as a folding table of Flanders or a tab tabula plicata which means a a table that folds .
22 Parents : Help when they 're put to the test Maggie Drummond offers hints on helping children knuckle down at exam time
23 Griffin gives many further examples : that pets and other tame creatures come when they are called by their names ( this would commend itself to Hearne ) , and that numerous species of birds , mammals , and even some fish and insects , seem to recognise individual members of their own species .
24 The ideal prisoner is not a human being but an automaton who will respond immediately to orders , eat when they 're told to , work , take exercise , sleep , and in all circumstances be respectful to authority .
25 In Section 6.1 the covariant derivative is introduced and is found to depend on entities called metric connections which quantify how local vectors change when they are transported through curved space–time .
26 Yet some writers seem to think that the laws do just that ; and that the quantitative observations encompassed in the laws take us beyond ( subjective ) experience because they are based upon objective measures of physical energy , utilizing scientific instruments .
27 They work when they are triggered by numerous reflexes situated throughout the body .
28 Split lips occur when they are caught between your fitted gumshield and the incoming kick .
29 Sometimes you just want to be left alone , so I understand the violent reactions some celebrities have when they 're infringed upon .
30 The fear that many teenage mothers have when they are wheeled into the delivery room makes the experience more painful and terrifying than it need be .
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