Example sentences of "[vb base] [art] [noun] [conj] [pron] have " in BNC.

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1 Cos if you leave d go the cord straight away the cord just goes shooting up there , the weight inside comes down here and you lose the cord and you have to take the whole lot p t apart in order to get the thing to work again .
2 If other rabbits remain down there just repeat the process until they have all been caught .
3 We er emphasised to him the impact this would have on Oxfordshire 's er spending requirements and er the hope that the er spending that we get , and we get it in two ways ; one is through , called the standard spending grant , that is a general grant that was given to authorities to spend as they wish , and the other is a specific grants which are given for particular purposes , and some of them cover the legislation that I have mentioned , which we are required to spend specifically on the items for which they 're given .
4 How can the critical reappropriation of the concept of culture proposed here overcome the limitations that we have identified in both multiculturalism and antiracism ?
5 Kill the adults after you have counted them .
6 As a result of those two meetings , we now have resolutions that support the line that we have consistently taken — that aid will be dependent on the trends shown by all countries — and I mean ’ all countries ’ — with regard to their respect for the rule of law , human rights , the development of good government practices and of an independent judiciary , and the following of sound economic policies .
7 Let there be no mistake : the Oxford public strongly support the police and they have our confidence .
8 Theses are the people that cause the problems and I have had enough and when at the same time you do n't believe the slogans they are shotuing its time to leave the Labour Party .
9 ‘ But how are we ever going to listen to each other if we hold the views that we have about each other , and if we talk the way we talk to each other the way we do in the cases ? ’
10 The Penal Notice contained in the N 117 for undertakings states : you may be sent to prison for contempt of court if you break the promises that you have given to the court .
11 I welcome the reports that I have read in the newspapers of the latest version of the guns-for-butter strategy , whereby the republics give us their old guns or nuclear weapons in exchange for our Common Market surpluses .
12 So if , for example , you always smoke a cigarette when you have a cup of coffee , avoid drinking coffee .
13 Nurses run the groups and there have been significant results .
14 Lawyers acquire a smattering of technical jargon and by using it to each other create the impression that they have a full comprehension of the subject .
15 Count up all the letters out and assess the hours that you have spent on each aspect of the case .
16 ‘ I reach London , I assess the situation because I have to do that however clever the plan looks that we put together here .
17 I believe , that is , that most British and American people accept the proposition that we have a positive duty to help other animals when they are in need of it .
18 I totally accept the assurances that I have received that the derogation negotiated at Maastricht does not reduce our chances of having the central bank in the City of London .
19 We have a particular role which is different er indeed to Fire and Public Protection , although I accept the fact that they have the overview for emergency planning .
20 ‘ He 's OK Angel , ’ he said , ‘ Argentine saying — never judge a man until you have walked two moons in his shoes . ’
21 It is true that when they use words like " aggression " and - " altruism " ( which they do a great deal ) they make a pretence that they have somehow dissociated these terms from their human behavioural origins — but it is only a pretence .
22 I get the feeling that I have missed quite an experience . ’
23 I also get the feeling that you have , indeed , been affected by the discipline you received from your parents .
24 He said : ‘ In principle they like the scheme but we have to see whether they can find any money to back it up .
25 Tell the President that you have read about their case , that their trial was unfair — even the Appeal Court agrees on this — and ask that they are released immediately .
26 Tell the President that you have not forgotten about Wang Xizhe and other Pro-Democracy Movement activists who are still jail for the peaceful exercise of their right to freedom of expression .
27 Tell the President that you have read about Abd Al-Ru'uf 's allegation that he was tortured , and about his lawyer 's complaint .
28 Will you , Mr. Speaker , tell the House whether you have been approached on the subject , and , if so , have the Opposition told you why they do not want a statement on it ?
29 ‘ You never know a guy until you have tried him in bed .
30 ‘ They like a drink but they have a weird attitude to anything else . ’
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