Example sentences of "[vb base] [prep] [pron] that [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Well I think what they suggest to me that we have to pay for the poster site .
2 before they actually suggest to somebody that they sell a house , that they sell a house and moved to a smaller one , they have to be unemployed for quite some time .
3 Suppose I suggest to you that we stop part of your wages to help pay for the damage to the china and to Mrs Darrell 's dignity , and you promise to be good in future ? ’
4 You see I never believe in smoke without fire , and when our man is nicked on a spying charge then I say to myself that somebody got at him , somebody asked a favour of him , somebody got round him .
5 So often people say to us that they wish us well and that we are doing a good job .
6 You must speak to Ruth and impress upon her that she has to come to school .
7 Impress on them that you do n't wan na come out with it short .
8 Joseph said : ‘ Well , just make sure you impress on her that I had nothing to do with any murder and she is not to suggest it . ’
9 The exchange between them had been painful , but there was something so honest and open about it that she felt freed for the first time in months from her painful awareness of him as a man .
10 So that it seem to me that we have to take that into account in terms of how we are approaching our struggle .
11 If we 've come to guard and received forgiveness of sins , if we have become good followers of Jesus Christ and we are not amazed then there 's something wrong with what we 've received that god should so love , not just the world , but should so love me , that he gave his son to die for me and that was the sort of er discovery that these four lepers made they 've come down there , they 've found that the sight before them was amazing , there was no enemy there , the enemy had disappeared and the tents with all their contents were there before them , they were amazed with what they found and you and I when we come to god through Jesus Christ , we are amazed at what we find , we find forgiveness , we find the restoration of a relationship between ourselves and god , we find an access to receive god 's blessing to receive his favour , to receive his gifts that he has for us , no wonder the apostle Paul cries out thanks beyond to god for his unspeakable gift , but then again these four men they were not just amazed that what they found , they were , they got absorbed in what they got , because they got a lot more than they bargained for , they possibly in their wildest dreams thought they might at least get , get what the cook was throwing out , they might get to , to the dustbins , they might get what was left over , that would of been great , they were dying of starvation , the driest mouldiest crust would of been like , like a banquet to them , but they got so much more than they anticipated and they got absorbed in it , every thing was there 's for the taking as they pulled back the , the flap of the tent as they go in and they see the tables laid out there , they see the food and the drink , they see the plenty , these men who for weeks have known terrible poverty , there might of been a time earlier on in the siege when a few scraps got thrown over the city wall , when the bins were put out the side of the city of an evening , er they would go there and forage amongst them , but all that had stopped long since and it was only the bits and pieces that they managed to forage for themselves and get for themselves that they 'd been eating of late , but here every thing is there for the taking , they rubbed their eyes , they pinched one another to make sure their not dreaming , it really is food and drink in a , in an abundance they could n't of thought of a few mo hours earlier one moment they had nothing , the next they 've got every thing , what was it they needed , food , the tables would of been laden with it , it was the food , enough food for an army and there 's only four of them , did they , were they thirsty , here was drink , here was wine and , and drink in abundance the rags , the tatters they were dressed in , there were garments and wardrobe full of clothes here for them , did they need money , well the tents were full of the gold and the silver and , and , and valuables , there were a sufficiency , every thing was there you know the idea that the Christian life is drab and poor is such a terrible false hood , its an iniquitous lie of the devil , the tragedy is that we have actually often made it that way , we have made the Christian faith something drab , something boring , something for old folk er and er you know , people who are , who are , just wanting a crutch because their coming to the end of their natural life and we 've made it something drab and dull listen to what the apostle Paul says when he 's writing to Carinthian 's in his second letter in chapter eight , he says you know the grace of our lord Jesus Christ , that though he was rich for your sakes he became poor , so that you through his poverty might be rich , god , he 's purpose follows his people , he 's not that we 've a drab , grey , dull uninteresting life , Jesus said I 've come that you might of life , and that more abundant , that in all its fullness and god has purpose for us , and when Paul is talking about riches there , he 's not talking about pounds and pence , he 's talking about the richness of the life that we enjoy its not a case of not doing this and having to do that the other thing , its a case of enjoying life as god purposes it , as god intends it you know if you do n't enjoy your Christian life now , let me tell you your in for a rude awakening when you get to heaven , because the quality of life is not gon na change the only things that 'll change is its la it , it will , it will be in his presence , the quality of life will not change because already now we have received eternal life , he has given his life to us and he has n't got some other special , you know , super duper life laid up , there 's nothing , there 's nothing greater ahead , god has n't got any thing greater for us than what he 's already given to us in embryonic form here and now why if we take on er a , a , a dazzling scintillating new zest and zap when you get to heaven , that life is already given to you and to me know go back to these four men at the moment , they had never known any thing like this before this was better than all their birthdays rolled into one , this was the greatest day in their experience and if they would live to be a hundred they would never know another day like this , they were having a tremendous time , it said they , they , they , they went into one tent , listen to what they did , they went into one tent and they , they ate , they drank , they had a party and they carried from there the silver , the gold and the clothes and they went and hid they returned and entered another tent and then they did the same there , they were having a tremendous time , this was a beano to end all beano 's , this was the greatest day in their life , they were having a wonderful time and why should n't they , why not you know there are folk who would , who 'd want to make us as Christians er and er , ee , put us into a straight jacket the bible tells me even the sunsets free , is free indeed and I do n't see any suggestions as I read the New Testament , that first of all the life of Jesus was drab and uninteresting , or that he expects me as his follow to lead a drab , a grey life , oh its not always gon na be a ple an easy life but that does n't reduce the , the zest and the excitement in it but you see the danger is when having a good time is the reason for living and the only reason for it , you see , if god has intervened in our life , if the message of the gospel is true , if god in Christ has taken away your sin and made you in Christ a new creation then you have every reason to enjoy life , in a sense your only able to start enjoying life now , you may have enjoyed some of the things that , that folks suggest that make up life , but they 've finished , there gone , what happens when the , when , when the wine has run out , what happens when the parties over , you know all about it the next day , do n't you , what happens then , its such short lived , its only worth having whilst its coming to you all the time , but that 's not so with a Christian life , because it doe , depend on just the things that we have or the experiences that we go through , because it is something that , that we have within , it is , it is a quality of life that we possess , because we possess the one who is life himself , listen to what Paul says when he 's writing to Timothy in his first letter in chapter six it is command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant or to put their hope in wealth , those who think that , that er in having possessions that is the secret of life or , or in having a good time and , and , and the rest of it that is what life is all about , he said warn them not to do that , because that is so uncertain , he says but to put their hope in god who richly provides us with every thing what for , for our enjoyment , why has god given us these things , why is , why is god even , he is natural creation there for us , it is for our enjoyment , its not to make us miserable or to make us grey and drab and burden by it , it is for us to enjoy , when god created Ada Adam and Eve and put them in the garden , the , they were told to enjoy it , even the fruit enjoy it , its there for your benefit and then the new creation , every thing that god has provided is there for our enjoyment , but the dangers is when that enjoyment , is the reason for living and that 's all we do it for and were so taking up with ourselves , I am gon na have my good time , I 'm gon na enjoy myself as a Christian and I can do it and you can do it , you become insular and we become introverted and the only thing that matters is me having a good time , my world centres around me and me enjoying myself and me having this and me having that , this blessing and that gift and that other blessing , we become self centred and taken up with our own good times , as long as I can be there in the centre , as long as I can go from , from , from this celebration to that celebration , as long as I can go from this er festival to that festival to this special meeting to that one , I 'm gon na have my good time well that was what these fella 's were doing , they were going from tent to tent , from celebration to celebration having a great time and then the truth hit them they were ashamed with what they had done , they said to one another we are not doing right , this days a day of good news , but we are keeping silent , if we wait until morning light punishment will overtake us , now therefore , come , let us go and tell the kings household how guilty are we , how guilty are you , how guilty am I of the sinner silence , remember how we started , its not always the things that we do its often the things that we do n't do , how guilty are we of the sin of silence these men had known nothing , known poverty and , and , and , and starvation , they were amazed at what they 'd found , they 'd became absorbed in what they had got and now they 'd became ashamed of what they had done with it what was the sin that troubled these men they said we are keeping silent .
12 However even these workers opt for something that they call ‘ interactionism ’ , in which there is a clearly modular , autonomous element which can be studied in isolation from the knowledge systems .
13 But I found when I looked at my books a week ago , or a fortnight ago , I thought , oh I know this , I know this , but it 's not until you get into it that you think shit !
14 I confess to him that I have never done Kipling Groove and he launches into a celebration of Arthur Dolphin 's famous classic .
15 cos they pledge to you that they get it cleaner than anything else
16 It had the same feel to it that she knew from the long hours she 'd spent experiencing the mass-market romantic slush that Madreidetic packed into their holos .
17 Is it just that I talk to them that they love ?
18 As I have said before , my worry is that if we recognise the two republics that the hon. Gentleman mentions , we may force the pace and create an explosion in Kosovo , Bosnia and Macedonia , where there are tensions and possibilities of bloodshed and civil war that go beyond anything that we have seen even in Croatia .
19 As always , my hon. Friend talks great sense , and I agree with everything that he has said .
20 While I agree with everything that you have said , as a devil 's advocate in a health service that has a 2-year waiting list for hip replacements , how can you justify the expense of a rehabilitation programme by any quantitative measure ?
21 I agree with him that they have an important role to play in a fully integrated service for mentally ill people , but the House would mislead itself if it believed that those mentally ill people who find themselves on the streets are drawn from those patients who have been discharged from long-term care in hospitals .
22 I was going to say that I was grateful to the hon. Member for Oldham , West ( Mr. Meacher ) for raising this issue , because I agree with him that it needs to be properly debated on the Floor of the House .
23 following a review by the county surveyor we suggest further things which are automatic consultation with local members and indeed this process of public consultation be brought forward to the beginning of the whole procedure of traffic managing reviews , now that , that sort of consultation will be more in the nature of a public meeting than a semi-formal enquiry , but we recommend to you that we use the same sort of terminology so that the public appreciates that they are genuinely being consulted by the County Council , now if we find that there are very contentious proposals after an order has been published , er a C C H , a County Consultant of Hearing may still be held if as members you feel that 's something you want to do , because the objective of , of this whole concept of County Consultant of Hearings is to have er flexible arrangements so that the County Council can demonstrate its commitment with consultations at a local level to demonstrate that , that members in particular are hearing what local people er say and to set up procedures within the organization to give members , particularly local members more involvement in the traffic management review process , those are the recommendations Chairman which involve in the paper .
24 ‘ I swear to you that I did n't know anything about it … neither can my sister know , or she would n't have gone with Garry . ’
25 This wholeness comes about when we realize for ourselves that we need Jesus as our rescuer and companion , redeemer and friend for life 's journey .
26 See to it that they do .
27 Let us lay down our terms , make our own proclamations , establish our own diplomacy , see to it that we have our own international meetings .
28 ‘ But see to it that you do n't go too far , and try always to be in the house when you think you might be needed . ’
29 Further on in that same book in chapter twelve and verse twenty five See to it that you do not refuse him , that is , the Lord Jesus who is speaking , for if those did not escape when they refused him who warned them on earth , how much less shall we escape who turn away from him , who warns from heaven ?
30 Just see to it that he does not also cast his eyes on Ana . ’
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