Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] [vb pp] [coord] [vb pp] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Once you 've thoroughly researched and analysed the facts , they should speak for themselves .
2 One year after its inception , the members of the Precision RISC Organisation supporters ' club say they have successfully built and delivered a new business model for industry consortia , Hewlett-Packard Co reports .
3 Our mass communications make us take such processes for granted : we must remember that television and jet-travel have greatly expanded and accelerated the volume and intensity of such exchanges .
4 European broadcasters have already tested and proven the technology , and the Community 's largest TV manufacturer , Philips , expects to have a working PALplus chipset ready next year .
5 If you have already pressed and arranged the flowers on a mount , the recipient will be able to assemble their own picture rather than take the risk of a glass frame smashing during its journey through the post and damaging the picture .
6 This may cause a panic test on the charging unit , but if they have already taken and passed a panic test due to Fanatic casualties that turn then they do not have to test again .
7 Are your memories so short over there , or is it that you have deliberately forgotten or ignored the protests of that time .
8 ( For example , the fact that you have always hoovered and polished every week need not mean you must continue to do so . )
9 have now crystallized and determined the structure of a human pancreatic lipase-colipase complex in the presence of mixed phospholipid/bile salt micelles .
10 ( a ) It confirms whether you have correctly identified and understood the main points and separated them from the subsidiary details .
11 Amnesty International is a worldwide human rights movement which works impartially for the release of prisoners of conscience : men , women and children detained anywhere for their beliefs , colour , ethnic origin , sex , religion or language , provided they have neither used nor advocated the use of violence .
12 Members work within a closely defined mandate : to seek the release of prisoners of conscience — people imprisoned solely for their beliefs , colour , ethnic origin , sex , language or religion , provided they have neither used nor advocated the use of violence ; to oppose the death penalty , torture and other cruel , inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment of all prisoners ; and to end extrajudicial executions and ‘ disappearances ’ .
13 Members work within a closely defined mandate : to seek the release of prisoners of conscience — people imprisoned solely for their beliefs , colour , ethnic origin , sex , language or religion , provided they have neither used nor advocated the use of violence ; to ensure fair and prompt trials for political prisoners ; to oppose the death penalty , torture and other cruel , inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment of all prisoners. ; and to end extrajudicial executions and ‘ disappearances ’ .
14 Amnesty International is a worldwide human rights movement which works impartially for the release of prisoners of conscience : men , women and children detained anywhere for their beliefs , colour , ethnic origin , sex , religion or language , provided they have neither used nor advocated the use of violence .
15 Most of the summer breeding birds have either lost or won the battle for survival by then , common seal pups have been weaned and are now learning to fend for themselves .
16 We have previously cloned and sequenced the cDNA encoding for p47 or EF1γ ( 3 ) and p36 or EF1δ ( 4 ) , we present here the molecular cloning of p30 or EF1β .
17 The relationship between central and local government has deteriorated partly because a series of Conservative Administrations have continually attacked and deprived the local authorities of resources , and subsequently because of the poll tax .
18 In making the local state the main vehicle for advancing antiracist politics they have actively confused and confounded the black community 's capacity for autonomous self-organization .
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