Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] [pers pn] [modal v] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Yes and that means forty percent does n't it if you know what I mean so we can make an assumption that Hydro Electric comprise a chunk of that
2 just say right we 'll put a pound a week in and at the end of the year
3 Fully dressed , midnight butterfly in this light of day , we hold each other , grind , baby , grind so I could take a chunk out of your neck by way of breakfast .
4 So if you go back to the sort of where we gave it five or six headings yeah or three to six headings you should be aiming say well I 'll input a bit of information on that side of it and at the end of that little section I 'll build in some practice in participation and the participation can be any of those ones you 've put in there on that list you gave us early on er practical allocations
5 There especially if you if you say well I 'll take a day 's holiday .
6 As I say , fun , fun , fun I say , like I say sometimes you can do a pissing rain in a fucking hole and have about four hours sleep at the weekend , then we get , we get back get into the bar and we 'd have a fucking good laugh about it .
7 Well , I have n't got much money but well sometimes I do go to hostels , yeah but , most of the time I just sleep anywhere I can find a shelter .
8 Well I spend everything I earn so I 'd say a hundred percent of what I 'm on .
9 yes , now do n't say do n't , yeah that 's right just do n't forget that we are , actually still going up and it means that we 're , erm , but we 're out of it , but we 're coming out slowly , we 're technically out , if you put technically you 'll get a pass
10 Well da co if Elaine and Edward stop there I can do a lot of decorating .
11 If you look carefully you may see a date and the maker 's initials on one of the canes , which are covered with a clear glass weight .
12 Actually most is either hills or mountains , if you look actually you can draw a picture of a hill or a mountain , but most , most of the land er hills or mountains which is very interesting is n't it ?
13 When I get home I 'll have a cheese sandwich or summat
14 These instructions go to the village there ahead of you , as soon you get there you 'll find a colt tied up that 's never been ridden , right , a donkey .
15 which you know then you can explore a bit .
16 I mean nowadays you 'd have a Thomas splint on it you see ?
17 I mean surely you could have a point eight for crystal and still solder ?
18 Look at her all sweet and innocent , and when I turn away she 'll nick a chip I can see you sit down !
19 Everything , I mean if you go in the afternoon and you go early you can have a lovely dinner for fifty P
20 ‘ Look , if you go now you can do a lot of sightseeing between now and lunchtime .
21 ‘ And before I go tomorrow we 'll compose a joint letter to the two of them , pointing out how well we get on without them and urging them not to hurry back .
22 I , I 've got one at home I think somewhere I 'll have a look .
23 If they do so they will find a small lady 's reticule which has slipped down behind one of the seat coverings .
24 We 're absolutely delighted that you 're here in Portsmouth for your congress and it 's very very important to us and I think perhaps I 'd take a little bit of time to explain why it 's important .
25 ‘ Yes , I know , but if you call early we can have a long talk . ’
26 I think today we would use a phrase like reasonable quality , satisfactory quality , or acceptable quality .
27 If this is the kind of filtering we require then we must develop an architecture which allows such changes of activity to be constantly monitored and responded to by the higher levels .
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