Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] [prep] [verb] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Comments like , I suggest instead of wasting time on leads , I suggest you try knocking on doors .
2 OR ANY other film in which black , brown , yellow or red people chant , holler and cavort instead of taking cover from White Man 's Heroic Hail Of Death .
3 I look forward to receiving information from you over the coming weeks .
4 ‘ I look forward to setting foot in my uncle 's field . ’
5 I look forward to doing battle with him in the coming weeks and months .
6 What the world needs — and is increasingly getting — says Nathan Myhrvold , the company 's head of advanced technology , is ‘ innovation in the way that we distribute information ; we still communicate mainly by smearing ink across dead trees . ’
7 Turn left on reaching junction with hard track 5 .
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