Example sentences of "[vb base] [pers pn] would [be] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I hope she would be pleased by our efforts , in spite of the fact that we are still here and needed .
2 I shall not force you to tell me if you still consider it would be contrary to your country 's interests to do so . ’
3 I know she would be proud of you , the fund raisers , who make it possible .
4 It makes up 70–80 per cent of the bodies of all living things — and life as we know it would be impossible without it .
5 But I believe you would be fond of him if he looked like your camel .
6 I was thinking of a pair of Dwarf Gouramis , as I feel they would be safe with eggs or fry .
7 Richard and I thought you had settled so nicely ’ — as if I was some sort of jelly — and then , ‘ Well , if you really want to , I suppose it would be nice for you to earn a little pin money . ’
8 I believe it would be far in excess of anything England have laid before the public .
9 ‘ But I believe it would be unfair on him after being out for so long to go straight back in and do a job .
10 Now my concern is not really with trying to erm get outside people or people in universities to sort of be involved in evaluations necessarily , it 's with helping people within schools to acquire more skills in the area of evaluation , so that schools , whenever they feel it would be useful to them , have got enough professional expertise among their own members to be able to perhaps rather more the quality of their evaluation and to see that it gets put perhaps to rather more purpose .
11 I also feel it would be unfair to my daughter to have an affair with a woman .
12 Oh yes well yes I mean it would be nice of we could sort of clean those out of the the soundtrack and all the stumbles over words an
13 I think I would be happy to be driven by her , which ism ore that I feel about some , these days .
14 I think I would be top of any seed 's list of players they would prefer not to have in their section . ’
15 ‘ If we could just say please , excuse me and thank you I think we would be top in the list of places people want to visit . ’
16 ‘ If we could just say please , excuse me and thank you I think we would be top in the list of places people want to visit . ’
17 I hardly think they would be interested in using our gymnasium .
18 He wants a girl friend and I want a boy friend , and as I like him ( or at least what I know of him ) and I think he likes me , I think it would be good for both of us if we could be friends .
19 For one thing , it requires searing honesty to know whether you are arranging oboe lessons because a ) you genuinely think it would be good for your child , b ) you think your child would enjoy it , or c ) you rather fancy having a child who can play the oboe : of the three , a ) and b ) are acceptable reasons , c ) is definitely not .
20 They 're nice old people , and I think it would be good for Mrs Richards to come down to the village more , and be part of Santa Barbara . ’
21 I erm , and I 'd rather take Caroline because I think it would be good for her to have
22 Yes , it 's erm , they came on stage , I think it would be good for and then they when coming to New Zealand yeah , the whole .
23 R.B. You 're saying you think it would be appropriate for her to interview JNC staff ?
24 Yes , erm , I had in mind that , is there a seconder to that ? my own view is that erm , and that goes for most of the way for dealing with the problem , but I think it would be appropriate for this committee to make it clear that erm , any extension of the maximum aggregate for the current financial year will be met by an appropriate reduction or a corresponding reduction in the expenditure for ninety four ninety five , erm and I 'm not certain that that 's absolutely clear to the public or indeed to all members of
25 I think it would be appropriate to very briefly sir preface erm not by name obviously , who I represent , the interests I represent , because otherwise my comments may be misconstrued erm by certain parties who know me well , I represent certain peripheral land owner and developer interests around York , I also represent a developer who is proposing a n new village circa fifteen hundred dwellings in the Leeds metropolitan district er to the East of Wetherby , that is relevant when I come to the location and a migration aspects , er I would preface the rest of my comments by saying I consider it is vitally important , sir , that this enquiry takes a sub-regional view , this is why my colleague from Leeds City Council I 'm sure 's been invited , it 's why the Department of the Environment Regional Office are here , very important indeed .
26 I think it would be helpful for people who smoke erm , to think about just how very powerful a drug it is , because I know there have been studies done which show that it 's actually more difficult to stay off cigarettes than it is to stay off heroine .
27 And what I think it would be helpful for us to talk about is where we sit in this business , just for half an hour , where does T N T sit in the industry ?
28 And I think it would be helpful to the panel to have a feel for whether the Leeds in migration issue , is the only aspect of regional , sub-regional policy or whether there are other aspects of it which are important or be it perhaps less important .
29 In that context I think it would be helpful to us erm if we could have submitted to us a version of the table originally submitted by the H B F relating to commitments .
30 On the major question of the legal basis for pension schemes in the future , Mr. Murphy said ‘ The Working Party consider that the principles of trust law appropriately updated , continue to be valid , but we think it would be right for the central principles of trust law to be re-stated and put into the context of pension schemes .
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