Example sentences of "[vb base] [pers pn] [pers pn] [vb mod] [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 We went with Traffens one year , the first year in fact we went with Traffens and that was super because when we got to the other side sort of , it was then about ten o'clock he said well if you if there 's enough people want it we will transform your transform your seats into bunks and most people wanted and you were able to push the seats so one , two pairs of seats one of the seats went up and the other went down and you had four bunks
2 Perhaps if you remember them you will forget your maladies . ’
3 and that 's the basis , if you like them they 'll become your best friend , there 's times you do n't love them , but you still like them
4 Tell 'er you 'll cut 'er throat if she do n't come up with it .
5 ‘ I want to thank you for this opportunity and tell you I will do my very best for you . ’
6 Your correspondent 's criticisms have been taken on board and I assure you we shall do our best to iron out the problems raised .
7 He curled his arm round Claudia 's waist , smiling at the receptionist in a way that made her assure him she would keep his secret .
8 If you speak to someone in the department ask it you can have their name in case you need to telephone again ;
9 Jesus says if you love me you will keep my commandments .
10 And as meet around just now , it is not an optional extra , it 's not something we do if we choose to do , it is a command , and he says if you love me you will keep my commands .
11 Let me just , just show you a little thing here just enclosing , just linking it up there , there it is , it 's , it 's a well known little picture , it 's a picture of a wheel where there in the centre the hub is Christ , you see when the hub has got to be the centre otherwise the wheel does not run true and there with Christ is the hub , the centre of your life , the centre of my life , and you and I our lives our selves , there on the outside , were the rim and there 's those spokes that hold it together and make it run true the spoke of , of the bible , God 's word allowing him to speak to us , the spoke of prayer , our communion with God , our praying to him , the spoke of obedience following him obeying him , bringing our lives into , into line with what he says in his word , he says if you love me you will keep my commandments , that 's why we 've got to learn and get to know them from his word and then the spoke of fellowship somebody as likened them to prayer , being like air , our breath , the bible being like food , giving us nourishment and strength , fellowship , it 's the family situation and in just as in a nature family there is , that is the place for care , it 's the place for support it 's the place of sharing , it 's the place of love , where it should be , so God 's family , and then the final one their obedience like exercise , keeping fit , it 's the callisthenics , it 's keeping the muscles toned , obeying what he tells us in his word , well that 's what it means to be a Christian bringing ourselves into line with him and allowing him to re-fashion us in his image and it 's a process that 's going on all the time , Wesley and his hymn talks about us being used and the scripture being changed from glory into glory , till in heaven we take our place there , like him , John says when we see him , we shall be like him , but we shall see him as he is and that 's God 's purpose for you and for me , to be like him , and the moment we come to him and respond to him , the process starts and it goes on , day in , day out , night in , night out , week in , week out , over the years him changing and fashioning us into the image of his son , because that 's how he created us originally , he created to be like him and in this new creation , we were singing we are a new creation , it 's to be like him .
12 erm it may be that erm because of my generation , but you do n't get the same sort of personalities nowadays as you did in those days , erm Mr for instance he was , he was a most benign sort of erm fellow of what one would describe as a real gentleman mm , mind you he used to have his paddies at times but
13 If you free me I will acknowledge my debt and keep going .
14 No , thank you I 'll have my supper when I get home .
15 I wan na take my badge because otherwise if you pull it it 'll rip my jeans .
16 " Please excuse me I must begin my work . "
17 Th this is something that is developing members will be aware of the er proposals for er competition for white collar services and we sh we recharge these costs at the moment historic leases and the central departments are at the moment developing er trading accounts for all these and as we develop that work we we can correct our previous charges so there will be some sort of changes in the way we charge and as I say that 's coming through in these costs committees because it 's it 's shifting money around between different committees so we shifted the budget at the same time .
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