Example sentences of "[vb base] [pers pn] [prep] [noun sg] or [verb] " in BNC.

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1 We can recommend Turner Engineering on 0342 834713 who supply them from stock or try the advertisers in LRO yellow pages .
2 Either remove them by hand or grow roots after potatoes , marrows or sweet corn since these are easy to weed and leave relatively clean soil .
3 Give us at call or drop us a line if you can say : ‘ I was there ! ’
4 Shallow or superficial learning — like learning a name , address and telephone number that you promptly forget unless you write them down or consciously commit them to memory or use them habitually .
5 Ask me a question and engage me in conversation or make a statement that applies to me .
6 ( 5 ) A justice of the peace before whom a person is brought under subsection ( 4 ) above may … if of the opinion that that person — ( a ) is not likely to surrender to custody , or ( b ) has broken or is likely to break any condition of his bail , remand him in custody or commit him to custody , as the case may require , or alternatively , grant him bail subject to the same or to different conditions , but if not of that opinion shall grant him bail subject to the same conditions ( if any ) as were originally imposed .
7 Call us on 01– or write to 1 Savoy Hill , London WC2R 0BP for a copy of our brochure and have over a century of experience available to you and your family .
8 When removed from the ground , was them to remove any soil or rubbish and then either soak them in water or clean the gut by gently squeezing the body from one end to the other .
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