Example sentences of "[vb base] [pers pn] [conj] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Wallpaper them or cover them with fabric : felt , hessian , sacking , lining fabric or printed cotton .
2 Quite suddenly , love for her , for gentle , golden Anne , flooded me , and I jumped out of bed , pushing back the net , wanting to run to her and tell her everything , wanting to confess and have her forgive me and kiss me with those soft , childish , soothing kisses .
3 You can align and rotate objects , group or ungroup them or move them to the front or back .
4 And afterwards there was just a feeling of let-down , of wanting him to hold her and kiss her and pet her like a little girl .
5 I grab it and squirt it at the gape of her frightened mouth .
6 We have to get special stuff called bulb fibre and wet it and put it in a bowl and then we plant our bulbs in it . ’
7 I 'd find something as er pretty near to what I wanted , you know and I could perhaps , and did , use what 's called beeswax a lot , you know and er warm it up and ply it and put it onto er something to make it to what the shape I wanted , you know .
8 Then either dismantle clean , lubricate and reassemble the old valve , or remove it and replace it with a more modern and reliable one .
9 If you 're not going to fly , remove it and store it in a dry spot .
10 Well can you empty one of those and put it and put it in that bucket .
11 So , Sir , because of that quality of the Queen 's Speech , I support it and recommend it to the House .
12 Once it 's cool , cover it and keep it at 5°C or colder , or freeze it .
13 Arrest me and put me on a diet fast !
14 Government orders forbade anyone to show the natives how to use such weapons , yet inevitably they did on occasion obtain them and use them to deadly effect , though their culture might be basically Stone Age .
15 He requests that I accompany him and pipe him into the restaurant .
16 Simply complete it and send it with your payment direct to Transend .
17 The object is to ride on an unusual or distinctive tram , photograph it and to place it in unusual locations where it is not usually to be seen .
18 ‘ I thing it is my forte to take something like a relationship , and then examine it and mirror it in different songs , it 's actually the same relationship but looked at from a different way .
19 He snatched it from my hand , read it and returned it without looking at me .
20 Where in previous years these vessels had been purely large fishing vessels loading salted fish into barrels for immediate export to their own ports , now there came great numbers of large factory ships and modern trawlers which could process fish , package it and freeze it for indefinite periods .
21 Glynn 's fax duly arrived and when it became apparent that the wiring was beyond the skills of a cack-handed caveman they promptly offered to collect the guitar ( I only live in Aberdeen ! ) , modify it and return it within a few working days .
22 Will the Prime Minister state clearly and concisely that , irrespective of the place or the audience or the day of the week , he has but one policy for the fourth Trident submarine — to build it , equip it and send it to sea armed for the nation 's defence ?
23 When Councillor and his Party showed the care and concern they have for our staff , when sixty members of our staff on that day attended a committee meeting of this Council to see the Labour leader open it and shut it without any debate whatsoever and walk out of the room .
24 And everybody was aware that this was the norm , and so you accept it and take it for granted .
25 No , not by any means , but of course , when the weather is right , people just accept it and take it for granted .
26 For example , we now brief recruits on their rights and tell them and encourage them to actually come forward with their complaints , we very carefully brief and select our N C Os , we have open days for parents , we bring parents in so that they can feel part of the set up right from the start and so that their sons join the army and they tell their other friends to make sure they do to .
27 Release me and restore me to the ground ;
28 know me and name me to each other have they
29 And li you know , er clean them and starch them and stretch them on frames and Have you ever been in a dressing room ?
30 go and get it and bring it in here
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