Example sentences of "[vb base] [pers pn] [verb] it [is] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I mean I know it 's stupid er I just wanted to and there 's no hurry at all for it and if you 'd rather go somewhere else now
2 I mean I know it 's difficult
3 I mean I know it 's difficult
4 I mean I know it 's hard to start with .
5 I mean but I mean I suppose it 's true with with Sonia and with Honey cos I mean like Honey 's a nice person , but there 's three things about her which are very bad , and that is like she takes the piss erm she 's lazy .
6 But I mean I think it is important to establish that , that this is what he 's saying .
7 So that 's er I mean you probably know we do , I do a talk erm I call it a story rather than a talk , and I say I hope it 's interesting as a story .
8 d' ya know it 's funny , on a Wednesday when I go , when they 've gone home and I 've tidied up a bit
9 D' you think it 's frightening ?
10 " D' you reckon it 's great , Kate ?
11 Labour say they believe it 's unlikely the decision will be overturned in the Commons .
12 Interview he says it 's appropriate that the men were brought to the Radcliffe for their eye surgery .
13 Interview he sez it 's appropriate that the men were brought to the Radcliffe for their eye surgery although it 's straightforward treatment .
14 We want it to show it is interested in addressing that . ’
15 That , I mean you know it 's pretty erm
16 I do have slight vegetarian principles like I think it 's disgusting to use animals for luxury things like cosmetics or fur coats but food is a different matter ’ .
17 You know I mean it 's difficult to erm to grasp .
18 but I have actually worked for organizations where they do see it in terms of those centimetre arr erm measurements and that 's a you know I mean it 's funny when I 've been giving talks on communications erm one of the things I say to people is erm where your stuff appears is crucial do n't worry about one and page three .
19 I know I said it 's easy but it 's not that easy .
20 I phoned me friend up you know and erm on Friday and asked and she said you do n't sound very well , I said I 've got a headache I said I 've had a headache every , cos I 've been on a diet and she turned round and said , she said you know she says it 's funny she says erm , you know what 's with us , what 's it with ?
21 'Well she knows it 's good .
22 I suppose they think it 's good .
23 And they go I think it 's disgusting !
24 Er sometimes I always laugh I say it 's funny when erm it 's about twenty degrees outside they 're still wearing the same dress and when it 's minus fifteen or ten they 're still wearing the same dress .
25 Tests , because it is a rigorous test , I think I think it 's tremendous , do n't you ?
26 Yeah but I think I think it 's right are you using your expertise now Dave
27 Absolutely , I mean I feel more so about my phone number and address , my phone number particularly erm you know money 's money and so what , but when it 's when it 's your personal safety I think I think it 's appalling .
28 Erm but er that 's a bit of an aside , th I think I think it 's important because I think the old , the old style endowments were much stronger .
29 I think I think it 's sneaky me .
30 Yes , well I think I think it 's overdone .
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