Example sentences of "[vb base] [noun pl] [prep] [noun] [coord] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Play the Mad Professor 's Musical Instrument , make waves without water and meet Dex the Robot .
2 propose solutions to problems and to make recommendations to achieve savings and increase efficiency and effectiveness ; and
3 He knows that we want to hear about his experience of Neighbours — ‘ They asked me to do Neighbours The Cyber Series , but I could n't go that far … feeling what it 's like to be in Jim Robinson 's shirt , what a waste of technology ’ — that we want tales of drugs and tripping , and an outsider 's observations on British cultural mistakes ( the shell suit ) .
4 Projecting all guilt upon women , branding them as lustful allies of the Devil who wean men from God and lead them from the path of virtue , the Genesis story enshrines the myth of feminine evil as a justification for female oppression .
5 The fast expanding Water & Ventilation Services provide specialist cleaning of air conditioning systems , water storage and supply systems including pipework and ducting and industrial cooling towers .
6 The responsibilities of the two departments were to be as follows : the education authorities who operated a service under the 1910 Act had to confine themselves to ‘ interviewing , advising , registering and selecting juvenile applicants ’ , while the labour exchanges would ‘ register vacancies , place juveniles with employers and oversee their progress during the early years of employment ’ .
7 The second , and the one usually chosen by the authors , is to grow up a mixture of different species in variable numbers until they show signs of pairing and wanting to breed .
8 Next , check that the pins are clean and bright ; clean any that show signs of discolouration or charring with wire wool ( an old Brillo pad is ideal ) .
9 They go through 6,000 eggs , 60 giant tins of tuna fish , 24 cases of Coca-Cola and 150 kilos of chips a week , wash mountains of dishes and wait on tables with flair .
10 ‘ I thought he was perfect for the story and sent him a script with about as much hope as those who put messages in bottles and toss them in the ocean . ’
11 The final consequence of all this activity is : new churches for which they appoint elders with prayer and fasting before returning to Antioch ( Acts 14:23 ) .
12 He or she can also help negotiate agreements between spouses , conduct proceedings in court or advise on conciliation and other services .
13 Remove restrictions on insurers and let people buy for themselves inexpensive insurance .
14 Add strips of beef and leave to marinate for 24 hours .
15 Hospital emergency wards were struggling to cope with the injured as radio announcers read lists of victims and broadcast anguished appeals from those who had not heard from relatives in the area near the explosion .
16 Hospital emergency wards were struggling to cope with the injured as radio announcers read lists of victims and broadcast anguished appeals from those who had not heard from relatives in the area near the explosion .
17 In this way , they impose costs on miscreants and alter the incentives to break down Chinese Walls and engage in insider dealing .
18 Please give details of equipment and recording medium you propose to use .
19 Butterflies seek out the one plant whose leaves provide the only food their caterpillars will eat ; beetles bury pellets of dung and lay their eggs within them ; flies feverishly deposit their eggs within carrion ; and solitary wasps catch spiders , paralyse them with a sting and stack them around their eggs so that the young larvae will have fresh meat awaiting them .
20 Traditional electron microscopes , which emit beams of electrons and watch them bounce off the surface , can see much smaller details but their pictures usually give only a poor impression of the relief of the surface .
21 This stipulated that products had to be fit for their purpose and meet standards of appearance and finish being free from minor defects as well as safe and durable .
22 For centuries caravans had carried woollen , felt and sild carpets from China and returned with Indian spices , textiles and , of prime importance , hashish .
23 expulsion from Paradise : " Unto Adam also and his wife did the Lord God make coats of skins and clothed them . "
24 As van Dijk ( 1984 ) has shown , they typically tell stories about immigrants or use abstract reasonings , such as that ‘ ; if there were less blacks , there would be more jobs or housing ’ .
25 Wiggly santolina , rosemary and clipped lavender provide evergrey foliage , but wrap pots in hessian and move them to a sheltered corner to protect these Mediterranean plants against the coldest weather .
26 Seven of our Section were detached for a fortnight to make our creche , so each day after parade they would go off with a Corporal to hump sand , fill wheelbarrows with moss and look for things to add to the project .
27 Wrap mothballs in muslin and do not let them touch the textiles .
28 THE UN Security Council voted unanimously last night to send a peacekeeping force to Central America to cut off infiltration by contra rebels , monitor elections in Nicaragua and watch over developments in other sensitive areas — especially Honduras and El Salvador .
29 Before you style your hair , lift sections of hair and spray with hairspray , concentrating on the root area .
30 If they fail in this they are likely to be ineffective and encourage forms of organisation and control that are essentially unprofessional in their character and consequences .
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