Example sentences of "[vb base] [noun sg] [prep] [pron] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 If you want wine with your meal you 'll have to bring your own as the premises are not licensed .
2 You remembered the car , because I put doubt in your mind you changed it .
3 Following this they release blood into their eyes which turns them a dull red colour .
4 Automatically adjusting to changing light conditions they are stylish and , above all , quickly become part of your face which is what a good pair of glasses should do .
5 Every one of his books points to the same thing — unless we apply inhibition in our lives we will never be able to use intelligence in the way it was designed — to assist fulfilment .
6 If yer take pride in yer 'ome I 'd suggest yer get a mouser .
7 But the style is sometimes so impressionistic that we lose track of which island we are on , and to whom we are talking .
8 For example , in Levinson 's ( 1983 ) well-known deictic utterance , Meet me here a week from now with a stick about this big , there are certain words , such as me , here , now and this , which have part of their meaning which is context-sensitive .
9 Look at the toes of its front feet and if you discover fur on its nails you will know for sure there is another rabbit still to be captured .
10 MANY of Britain 's industrial towns and cities are surrounded by wilderness , which sometimes has acquired the official designation of ‘ urban common ’ ; but all of them have wasteland within their bounds which may be no less deserving of such recognition .
11 If wild animals have access to your garden you may need to prevent them trying to dig up your pet 's body ; make sure that the grave is as deep as possible and perhaps place a paving slab over it .
12 But in so far as I achieve awareness from your viewpoint I feel the pull towards your goals , and even when I resist , I do so very much as I push away inclinations of my own which are dangerous to my long-term ambitions ; a choice between your goals and mine belongs among my choices of ends .
13 Thus , mammals have cilia in their lungs which remove dust , and mussels have cilia on their gills which shift a stream of mucilage which in turn traps nutritious detritus .
14 Thus , mammals have cilia in their lungs which remove dust , and mussels have cilia on their gills which shift a stream of mucilage which in turn traps nutritious detritus .
15 Now if you have silicon in your steel it becomes very brittle and useless .
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