Example sentences of "[vb base] [be] [vb pp] [prep] [noun] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 The concept of entities that appear for only an instant and then disappear was used by Buddhists to prove that all is merely appearance and that absolute reality does not fall within the domain of the intellect .
2 Two detectives accused of altering a suspect 's statement to conceal the fact that he 'd been unlawfully arrested have been cleared of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice .
3 Good news for the National Certificate comes in the form of an endorsement by employers of a range of module groupings which have been recognised as alternatives to SCE awards for general recruitment purposes .
4 The prevention of fire in hospital has had considerable publicity recently via the mass media and patients are more aware of the potential danger , probably partly because in the UK public buildings have been obliged by law to install smoke doors in public corridors — and they can not escape one 's notice !
5 The series is organised largely in terms of age and subject groupings , but three ‘ overview ’ volumes have been prepared in order to provide an account of some major current issues and developments .
6 In addition , test bed facilities have been upgraded in order to handle RB211 and Olympus engines .
7 Now the company is making more than 200,000 lollies a week and staff have been placed on overtime to cope with extra demand .
8 ABOVE Hounds which have been raised over generations to chase game by sight rather than scent can be difficult to train .
9 Ordinary people have been coerced by minorities to perform the necessary tasks .
10 ‘ AN upsurge in Russian naval activity has mystified Western intelligence and led to speculation that ships and submarines have been sent to sea to prevent them causing trouble at home … the increased activity coincides with a statement by the navy 's chief , Admiral Vladimir Chernavin , detailing ambitious — and expensive — plans for powerful aircraft battle groups able to operate independently anywhere in the world .
11 The two leagues have made previous attempts to merge but proposals have been blocked by failure to win the approval from the majority of West League clubs .
12 Since 1960 new docks and an oil terminal have been built down river to handle larger ships and a growing trade , which is mainly with Europe .
13 Various studies have been conducted in order to assess the extent to which computer analysis of text can contribute to the generation of a practical classification scheme .
14 We have been pestered for men to protect several houses , and as these people have such influence , we can not refuse . ’
15 This chapter has outlined the range of materials to which scientific techniques have been applied in order to discover a particular object 's provenance .
17 Soldiers never like being asked to do somebody else 's dirty work , especially if they have been called off leave to do it , and are likely to be accused of strike breaking in the process .
18 Immediate Area Containment Systems ( IACS ) have been developed by Solotec to overcome many of the problems associated with handling powders in laboratories .
19 People will be unable to reach their offices in St Mary Axe today , but arrangements have been made for police to escort staff to premises in adjoining streets .
20 Heroic efforts have been made by inventors to push their ideas through bureaucratic mazes .
21 During the past ten years considerable attempts have been made in education to develop understanding of the management of change and , in particular , to relate it to the curriculum needs of institutions ( Wilcox , 1978 ; Rudduck , 1981 ; Oldroyd et al , 1984 ; Easen , 1985 ; Hughes et al , 1985 ; DES , 1985c ) .
22 Many experiments on polymers have been made in order to determine whether or not these relations hold at the glass temperature [ for a discussion see Gee ( 1966 ) ] .
23 Three people have been charged with conspiracy to pervert the course of justice after a series of arrests in dawn raids yesterday
24 The youngsters have been charged with conspiracy to commit criminal damage with intent to endanger life .
25 Public organisations , on the other hand , have been created by statute to undertake purposes collectively determined by the political process .
26 A Traditionally mature , full-bodied red wines such as Claret and Port have been drunk with cheese to round off a meal .
27 4 is intended to give a general picture of provision it is not exhaustive ; some of the variants and sub-divisions of subject headings ( such as types of history or engineering ) have been conflated in order to reduce the overall length of the list .
28 A variety of methods have been employed in order to fulfil these objectives , from the distribution of publicity material to informal meetings with senior trade union officials and members of the legal profession .
29 This Fact Sheet will be followed by a series of Briefing Papers for MPs , which will go beyond the facts to a description of the types of arguments that have been employed by researchers to study the causes of unemployment , including the possible effects so far as they are known of various remedies that have been proposed .
30 Pages have been downloaded from PRESTEL to provide additional material for teachers and pupils .
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