Example sentences of "[vb base] [be] [verb] [to-vb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In an area with around 250 cm of rain a year , it seems clear that if the hillsides are not replanted then silt is going to rush down into the river , through the sluice gates of the dam and into the new land , where irrigation canals might become seriously clogged up , and the fertility of the soil lowered .
2 He would play us a popular classical piece , explaining what the compose was trying to get across to the listener .
3 It 's like a dream in which we 've been trying to get through to people and we 've represented this by seeing ourselves locked inside our homes , desperately trying to get out .
4 I 've been trying to get through to him in New York for weeks , and when he finally shows up in the office I 'm covered in green face-mask .
5 Yes it 's it 's it was one of the er advertisements or programmes that went out on radio er again this is why I 've been trying to get over to people the sad things that have to happen to animals .
6 ‘ I suppose , ’ said Floy , thoughtfully , fixing Caspar with an equally meaningful stare , ‘ that we can trust you , can we ? ’ and Caspar said , ‘ Oh , for the — Floy , I 've been trying to get away from these creatures ever since they took Tara !
7 that my sin was laid on you , now what happens is that our relationship with God is restored , that , that chasm , that , that gulf that we 've been trying to get across with our good works with our church attendance with all these other things , suddenly we are , our land with a bridge across it , there 's no longer a barrier there , there 's no longer a great gulf there , Jesus Christ has bridged it , that broken relationship has restored and from this relationship the basis of that relationship we have the power to become as God made us .
8 I 've been advised to stay away from political jokes ( they too often get elected ) but in the UK , party workers say : ‘ If you put a monkey up for Parliament here and stuck a red ( or blue ) rosette on him , he 'd get in . ’
9 I 've been going to come up about it and g
10 I 've been meaning to go again with the children .
11 ‘ Yes , I 've been meaning to get down to Dingle . ’
12 Yeah , they 've been told to cut down on the spending .
13 you 've been allowed to get away with .
14 From the ‘ savings , ’ as they are referred to , funds have been redeployed to make up for a decade in which growth of support for basic scientific research was , at best , sluggish .
15 NEW Year revellers have been warned to stay away from Trafalgar Square by police fearing a terrorist attack .
16 Drug pushers have been warned to stay away from legal rave parties after almost a hundred people were arrested at an event over the weekend .
17 Parents have been warned to think twice before buying cheap fireworks from disreputable sources .
18 SUMMER bathers have been warned to keep out of the lake in Middlesbrough 's Central Gardens .
19 Certain men have been trying to get in on the politically correct act for a while .
20 Though I have been invited to come back to South Africa by friends both black and white , I wonder whether I am making a great mistake .
21 Dealers have been alerted to look out for 250 items snatched from an exclusive house in London 's Belgravia .
22 Britain 's docks and airports have been alerted to look out for the suspects .
23 Britain 's docks and airports have been alerted to look out for the suspects .
24 The car , a Sierra , had been stolen on Thursday night from nearby Bilsdale Close and neighbouring forces have been alerted to look out for a stolen blue Ford Orion , registration number H814 FYM , which may also have been used in connection with the incident .
25 Public domain software such as GNU compilers have been ported to ANDF along with the SPEC benchmarks and OSF 's Motif graphical user interface .
26 They have been seen to spring suddenly into existence , to change shape , merge and split .
27 I have been asked to pass on to you comments received from a member of the public about the gate in the fence which your department recently erected round the play equipment on Scorton playing field .
28 The 12 chatline companies have been asked to come up with £660,000 , but only two have produced their share .
29 Volunteers have been asked to come up with ideas as to how the club should be run and what the objectives of it should be .
30 I have been asked to comment particularly on the applicability of some of these to the publishing trade .
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