Example sentences of "[vb base] [art] [noun sg] [conj] make [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 If you do not feel the tinkling , repeat the hum but make it lower in pitch .
2 The reason for this is that the outflowing rivers provide the sand that makes them good beaches .
3 ‘ The selectors have made their decisions concerning the squad and nobody is going to knock on my door again unless I recapture the form that made me No 1 .
4 The nip of alcohol causes the blood vessels to dilate and so warm the skin and make us comfortable in spite of being out in the cold .
5 They also remove the carbon and make it available to plants as carbon dioxide .
6 Right come the morning arrived and and somebody else I ca n't remember who though , and there we were all ready to go and were walking with the press into the massive great shed where they roll the paper and make it a massive place the size of a couple of football pitches , we were just going in the door and somebody said to me they 're no gon na be using their flash guns are they ?
7 A beauty in her youth , her ‘ false curls and false eyebrows … her false teeth , set off by her false complexion ’ , and her juvenile dress can not disguise her 70 years , any more than can her talk of ‘ Nature ’ and ‘ Heart ’ obscure the heartlessness that makes her see her beautiful daughter as a saleable commodity .
8 This is not because Nature is too incompetent to glue them together properly but because , properly contrived , the weak interfaces strengthen the material and make it tough .
9 The mirrors span the entire period from the discovery of the first metal mirrors to the introduction of Bohemian and Venetian glass and their decoration reflect the culture that made them : dragons in China , goddesses in Egypt , Aphrodite in Greece , breasts in Java .
10 But once I have the thing and make it available , and say here is the gift that I promised it 's yours , it 's available , then , all you have to do is come and take it .
11 ‘ We also now have a technique that makes it possible to control the production of female ova — egg cells .
12 Irene Daniels , who 's the programme 's researcher says ‘ if you have a clip that makes you and your family laugh , then it 's odds on it 'll make other people laugh too ’ .
13 The prevailing wind , the shape of nearby hills and many other things also have an effect and make it more advantageous thermally for the hills to point slightly to one side or the other of magnetic north .
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