Example sentences of "[vb base] [prep] the [noun] [conj] they " in BNC.

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1 These motivate the separate preoccupations of holists and individualists , each with a characteristic type of question , and account for the fact that they are satisfied by different sorts of answers .
2 On no account look out your passport and make for the airport because they 'll catch you in customs and the judge will be cross and tell you you 're a cold-blooded , ruthless and calculating murderess and give you twenty years .
3 Not every one of these may be stocked by every newspaper shop or bookstall in the country but they are available somewhere and are read .
4 He had worked with Elizabeth in the 1951 picture A Place in the Sun and they had remained close friends .
5 So , anybody entering the exhibition is encouraged to stand on a spot at the bottom of the stairs , and they place in the token that they 've bought at the box office , as they do so , they get flooded in light , and the special computer voice made by the university takes you through into the exhibition .
6 ‘ I suggest to the players that they simplify the game .
7 We also propose to the TUC that they should consider the experience of trade unions in some other countries .
8 The same holds for metaphor ( ‘ Queen Victoria was made of iron ’ ) and irony and sarcasm ( ‘ I love it when you sing out of key all the time ’ ) , which depend upon the assumption that they will be interpreted as deliberate floutings of the charge to ‘ Be true ’ rather than as untruths intended to deceive .
9 And we walk in the lounge and they 've got two foot round copper covered tables , they 'd covered the original with sheet and the the there was only us two and he was polishing them , you know , getting them ready
10 Those people benefit from the fact that they do not have to make national insurance contributions .
11 The admission of several neutral countries need not lead to a stifling of their differences within a monolithic defence structure ; it could instead lead to a flexible approach to defence , in which individual Member States integrate to the extent that they feel is necessary and beneficial .
12 I would certainly advise anybody to look at the policy , and if they want more cover speak to the dealer that they bought the vehicle from , because it may well be that they could have erm a much , much greater cover which is of more value to them .
13 The souls mis a nu , like the persons who ‘ tell ill ’ in our popular newspapers and magazines , usually show by the exposure that they have very little to convey .
14 I wait by the gate as they pick their way down to the slimy bottom of the dip .
15 A Dumfries horseman step-grandfather used to look after horses at the county balls : ‘ look after the horses while they were there .
16 I mean I know there 's always an argument , especially here in Oxford , that people just come , look round the colleges and they 're gone again , but having said that some of them must spend some money .
17 Law centres vary in the services that they provide for individual clients .
18 Nonconformists ' ‘ strength and … weakness ’ he claimed , ‘ lie in the fact that they tend to reflect contemporary social and political movements ’ .
19 The deviousness and deceitfulness of tobacco advertising , promotion and sponsorship activities which are directed at children lie in the fact that they tell them that one must be healthy and have lung function of 120 per cent .
20 However , the name may also be due to the appearance of the flowers , which go limp and hang from the stems as they get old .
21 But no such agreement will be binding on third parties save to the extent that they have knowledge thereof .
22 Instead of picking out creatures that are buried , they collect spire shells and crustaceans that lie on the surface and they find them by sight .
23 When the organizer shouts ‘ bombs ahead ’ all the children lie on the floor until they hear ‘ all clear ’ .
24 According to studies into the side on which men ‘ dress ’ , seventy-five per cent have penises that lie to the left when they 're fully clothed as opposed to a mere seventeen per cent that have penises that lie to the right .
25 The matter is made worse by the fact that the two offences are construed as being mutually exclusive ; and the resulting difficulties are not entirely overcome by the provisions in [ the Larceny Act 1916 , section ] 44 as to the verdicts open to the jury when they find that the accused committed an offence different from that charged ( cf. paragraph 90 ) .
26 The former mandatory distinction , between brokers , who acted only as agents for their clients , and jobbers who acted only as market-making principals , has disappeared ; as a result of ‘ Big Bang ’ , firms may now act as either , so long as they disclose to the client whether they are acting as agents or principals .
27 Things matter to the extent that they are significantly new in terms of official Catholic teaching ; that is to say , in comparison with papal teaching or the major textbooks of approved theology of the first half of the twentieth century .
28 Things matter to the extent that they were discussed at considerable length and drafted with particular care .
29 Look at the motorways when they 're busy .
30 If we look at the tissues as they become increasingly inflamed in , for example , a developing boil , we can see how the cells work together .
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